
GHY 5800: Advanced Quantitative Methods for Graduate Students

This course provides a critical introduction to quantitative methods commonly used in the analysis of applied geographic research problems. The content of the course is geared towards discussion and practice of common research techniques and theoretical aspects used to investigate issues in human geography, physical geography, GIScience, and community and regional planning. Specific topics include reliability and validity, research ethics, survey design, case study methods, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, spatial statistics, univariate statistical methods, multivariate statistical methods, regression analysis, and spatial autocorrelation.

GHY 3812: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the foundational concepts of geographic information science (GIScience) and practical training in the use of desktop GIS software. The course emphasizes the concepts needed to use GIS correctly and effectively for manipulating, querying, analyzing, and visualizing spatial-based data. It also develops basic proficiency in industry-standard GIS software usage for analyzing spatial patterns in social, economic, environmental and geologic data, and for generating cartographic output from the analysis.

GHY 5150: Seminar in GIScience

This course provides a critical understanding of GIS and GIScience used in the analysis of applied geographic problems. The content of the course is geared towards discussion and practice of common techniques and theoretical aspects of GIScience.

2017 course website: GHY 5150: Seminar in GIScience

GHY 4530: Geography of Health and Disease

This course provides a conceptual, understanding of the geographical aspects of health and diseases. The course is structured into three main approaches, ecological approaches, which systematically analyze relationships between people and their environments; social approaches, including political economy and socio-behavioral approaches; and spatial approaches, which employ maps and spatial statistics to identify patterns of single and associated variables. In this course, students create an in-depth research project which is presented in a class poster symposium

GHY 5025: Climate and Society

This is an applied climate science course that is research intensive. The aim of the course is to provide a broad working knowledge of how climate intersects with society across a wide range of sectors including agriculture, water resources, air quality, ecosystem services, and human health.

Other previous taught courses: Introduction to Weather and Climate, Global Health, and Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Graduate Students