Tentative Calendar

I encourage you to work ahead to complete items early. Items with strict deadlines the morning of the next academic day include handwrite practices, begin assignments and major assignments. All others are those you should attempt for completion by then, but you’ll have 2nd chances that remain open until the corresponding in-class assessment. Some days are lighter than others and it will help you to progress on upcoming activities in advance, especially major assignments. Plan to spend 3.5-5 between each class, on average, as per the University-wide Statement on Student Engagement with Courses. 

The text is Linear Algebra and Its Applications by David Lay, Steve Lay, and Judy McDonald. 6th Edition. We will cover portions of chapters 1-6 in order to satisfy the catalog description: A study of vectors, matrices and linear transformations, principally in two and three dimensions, including treatments of systems of linear equations, determinants, and eigenvalues. 
