Welcome to linear algebra!
I'm Dr. Sarah and this 2240 has two of our three credit hours as in-person meetings during Spring 2025. You’ll have daily work between our classes but you have the flexibility to work ahead to meet the deadlines if that is better for your schedule: plan to spend 3.5–5 hours between classes, on average, as per the University-wide Statement on Student Engagement with Courses. Our hybrid class is officially designed by the registrar and scheduled by the university for our third hour to be a part of the activities between classes. I feel a great responsibility to help you as my student and I've designed the course to help you learn, incorporating feedback from prior students and principles from the literature. As you are getting used to the course and the policies on these pages, please ask me any questions that arise, whether they are about content or the course itself. I’ll also be providing regular feedback on your work to help you! In some cases that may mean you scroll down to the very bottom of an assignment (keep scrolling!) to see my comments in the rubric or in the annotated PDF.
Academic Affairs Policies
We adhere to the University-wide syllabus and policy statements: https://academicaffairs.appstate.edu/resources/syllabi-policy-and-statement-information.
Professor Bio
My PhD is from the University of Pennsylvania in the Riemannian geometry of orbifolds. I am a full Professor of Mathematics, and I am also an affiliate of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies (GWS) and the Math and Science Education Center (MSEC), investigating the connections between mathematics and society. I am married to the bassist Joel Landsberg. In our spare time, we like to travel, hike, kayak and conduct genealogy research. In addition to my own personal genealogy, I like to give back to the broader community, and in this context, I am affiliated with ASU’s center for Judaic, Holocaust and Peace Studies. Some of what I like about mathematics is also what I enjoy about genealogy—the sense of exploration, discovery and aha moments that come with lots of patience and effort. For more information, see http://cs.appstate.edu/sjg/
Vicky Klima and I thank Appalachian's Center for Academic Excellence for their help as we created our courses with the support of an online course development grant.
Copyright 2025 Sarah J. Greenwald