Tentative Calendar

Activities in the calendar below are under the day I imagine you will complete work on them and are intended to be turned in by 10am the next academic day (or earlier!). However, I encourage you to work ahead to complete items early. Items with hard deadlines of 10am the next academic day include handwrite practices, begin assignments and major assignments. All others are those you should attempt for completion by then, but you’ll have 2nd chances that remain open until the corresponding video project. Some days are lighter than others and it will help you to progress on upcoming activities in advance, especially major assignments. Plan to spend 5-6.5 hours each day on class, on average, as per the University-wide Statement on Student Engagement with Courses.

See ASULearn for a calendar you can export or subscribe to as well as a PDF of the following.

*prep for 2240 activities: online 2240 intro, practice feedback & submit handwritten PDF, think-share-pair-compare your intro video, download Maple (free), add ASULearn profile pic, add Zoom profile pic, syllabus, access e-text.

**t-s-p-c is the think-share-pair-compare forum

***Aside from the very last Friday assignments, which are due by 10am Saturday because I need time to get final grades in, Friday activities are due by 10am the next academic day (usually Mon, with one on Tues for the one state holiday).

****I will post regularly in the announcement forum and sometimes in the need help forum. I recommend keeping up with my posts as they go out to you and also ask that you re-read relevant ones before a problem set is due. I will also provide feedback regularly in assignments themselves.