Online 1010 students in a similarly structured class

  • Don't be afraid to get stuff wrong on the quizzes, they help you understand more if you do and you can look over the hints. and you can always retake it.

  • Take notes!! It is easy to just listen to the presentations but you have to take notes!

  • Keep up with your daily tasks and make sure to ask questions! There is so much help available.

  • It may be online but make sure you still stay on top of things and dedicate the nessecary time.

  • Do the homework it kills your grade if you don't

  • Do the class work, because it is a big part of your grade.

  • Know how to upload assignments.

  • My suggestions would be to definitely follow through with the order that Dr. Sarah has the assignments in because more often then not the videos help with the practices and the practices help with the hand ins! Work at a consistent pace that is best for you and don’t give up.

F2F linear algebra students in a face-to-face class

  • Homework problems are crucial, definitely help solidify material

  • Start problem sets earlier

  • Learn the 1st chapter stuff real good including span/pivots/# of solutions as it will keep coming back

  • I would suggest that students taking this course in the future should strive to read course material ahead of time

  • Do the assignments and problem sets. They help with everything.

  • If you don't understand a topic, buckle down and review it and ask questions until it makes sense. Take advantage of all the resources available like office hours. Always review solutions online.

  • Take practice questions seriously, they are a great no-risk way to gauge your knowledge

  • If you start falling behind, put in the extra time/work to catch up because everything builds on each other. Definitely use resources available.

  • Keep up with the definitions.

  • Study using the resources other than the textbook. Class helps but can't go over everything, and the textbook is particularly vague about topics in this class.

  • Take full advantage of office hours and ask questions about any and everything you're not 100% sure on.

  • Do all the work assigned and you should do fine

  • Do online hw first for help solving problems then do handwritten work

  • Do all the assigned reading and use office hours or math lab if you need it

  • Go over what you learn in class at least a little bit each night

  • Do all assignments. Ask questions. Laugh!

  • Keep up and don't slack off

  • Study the homework questions, they help a lot

  • Take Dr. Sarah