Research Opportunities
William P. Anderson, Jr.
Opportunities for Students
My research program lends itself to student research. I am always looking for motivated students to help with groundwater and surface-water data collection in Boone Creek on the ASU campus. Many of my students have presented at professional meetings of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Geological Society of America (GSA). I have also published peer-reviewed papers with eight undergraduate students from ASU that were published in top-ranked hydrology journals (Journal of Hydrology, Hydrological Research Letters, Environmental Geosciences). If you are interested in hydrogeologic research, please contact me.
Here is a list of peer-reviewed publications with students from ASU and elsewhere (students in BOLD):
Fiori N, WP Anderson Jr (2022) The impact of sea-level rise on saltwater intrusion for coastal aquifers in North Carolina, Continental Shelf Research, CSR_104789.
Maas CM, WP Anderson Jr, K Cockerill (2021) Stormwater management by accident: A conceptual study, Water.
Gu C, K Cockerill, WP Anderson Jr, F Shepherd, PA Groothuis, TM Mohr, JC Whitehead, AA Russo (2019) Modeling effects of low impact development on road salt transport at watershed scale, Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.04.079.
Rushby GT, GT Richards, WR Gehrels, WP Anderson Jr, MD Bateman, WH Blake (2019) Testing the Mid-Holocene highstand hypothesis in North Wales, The Holocene, doi:10.1177/0959683619854513.
Cockerill KM, WP Anderson Jr, FC Harris, KM Straka (2017) Hot, salty water: A confluence of issues in managing stormwater runoff for urban streams, Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), 1-18, doi:10.1111/1752-1688.12528.
Anderson WP Jr, RE Storniolo, JS Rice (2011) Bank thermal storage as a sink of temperature surges in urbanized streams. Journal of Hydrology 409:525-537, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.08.059.
Rice JS, WP Anderson Jr, CS Thaxton (2011) Urbanization influences on stream temperature behavior within low-discharge, headwaters streams. Hydrological Research Letters 5:27-31, doi:10.3178/HRL.5.27.
Anderson WP Jr, JL Anderson, CS Thaxton, CM Babyak (2010) Changes in stream temperatures in response to restoration of groundwater discharge and solar heating in a culverted, urban stream, Journal of Hydrology 393:309-320, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.08.030.
Anderson WP Jr, RM Lauer (2008) The role of overwash in the evolution of mixing zone morphology within barrier islands, Hydrogeology Journal 16:1483-1495, doi:10.1007/s10040-008-0340-z.
Here is a list of recent (last five years) professional meeting presentations with students from ASU and elsewhere (students in BOLD):
Maas CM, WP Anderson Jr, ER Fedders (2019) On the use of constructed wetlands to mitigate road-salt contamination in urban streams, Abstract H23Q-2142, Urban Ecohydrology: New Concepts, Observations, and Models II (Posters), 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 09-13 December 2019.
Fedders ER, WP Anderson Jr (2019) Riparian salt storage and release along headwater streams in the New River Watershed, New River Symposium, Boone, NC, 11-12 April 2019.
Maas CM, WP Anderson Jr (2019) LID retrofitting of stormwater systems to mitigate salt contamination, New River Symposium, Boone, NC, 11-12 April 2019.
Russo AA, WP Anderson Jr, C Gu (2019) The problem of permeability: Modeling mitigation of road salt contamination and stormwater runoff by retrofitting low impact development in a mountainous, urban watershed, New River Symposium, Boone, NC, 11-12 April 2019.
Maas CM, WP Anderson Jr, ER Fedders (2019) LID retrofitting of stormwater systems to mitigate salt contamination, GSA Abs. with Prog. 51(3), Paper No. 19-42, T22. Applications of Hydrology and Biogeochemistry to Stormwater Management (Posters), 2019 SE GSA Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, 28-29 March 2019.
Russo AA, WP Anderson Jr, C Gu (2019) The problem of permeability: Modeling mitigation of road salt contamination and stormwater runoff by retrofitting low impact development in a mountainous, urban watershed, GSA Abs. with Prog. 51(3), Paper No. 19-43, T22. Applications of Hydrology and Biogeochemistry to Stormwater Management (Posters), 2019 SE GSA Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, 28-29 March 2019.
Fedders ER, WP Anderson Jr, K Cockerill (2018) Streambank salt plume intrusion, concentration, and residence times along a dynamic, urban headwater stream, Abstract H43E-2629, General Surface Hydrology (Poster) 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, D.C., 10-14 December 2018.
Maas CM, WP Anderson Jr, ER Fedders (2018) Micro-wetland in urban topography to mitigate salt contamination, GSA Abs. with Prog. 50(3), Paper No. 37-2, Undergraduate Research IV (Poster), 2018 SE GSA Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, 12-13 April 2018.
Fedders ER, WP Anderson Jr, AM Hengst, C Gu (2017) Modeling Air Temperature/Water Temperature Relations Along a Small Mountain Stream Under Increasing Urban Influence, Abstract H33O-04, Water, Energy, and Society in Urban Systems I, American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 December 2017.
Richards G, WR Gehrels, L Jones, C Evans, WP Anderson Jr (2017) Exploiting new Holocene sea-level archives to inform future sea-level predictions: An example from Wales, International WCRP/IOC Conference 2017, Regional Sea-Level Changes and Coastal Impacts, Colombia University, New York City, NY, July 2017.
Gu C, L Heinen, WP Anderson Jr, (2017) A zero-order approach to estimate nutrient uptake length using tracer addition, 2017 Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, June 2017.
Fedders ER, WP Anderson Jr (2017) Effects of urbanization on air temperature/water temperature relationship in two small, mountain streams, GSA Abs. with Prog. 49(2), Hydrology and Hydrogeology in the Southeast: Processes, Problems, and Geologic Controls, 2017 SE GSA Annual Meeting, Richmond, VA.
Shepherd F, C Gu, WP Anderson Jr (2016) Modeling stream salt concentration in a Southern Appalachian urban headwater stream, GSA Abs. with Prog. 48(2), 2016 SE GSA Annual Meeting, Columbia, SC.
Richards G, WR Gehrels, L Jones, C Evans, WP Anderson Jr (2015) Holocene sea-level changes in Wales: A combined empirical and model-based approach, Quaternary Research Association Postgraduate Symposium 2015, University of Cambridge, September 2015.
Straka KM, WP Anderson Jr (2015) Effects of road salt application on water quality in a mountainous headwater stream, GSA Abs. with Prog. 47(2), p. 92, 2015 SE GSA Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, TN.
Contact Information
Phone: (+1) 828.262.7540
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, ASU Box 32067, Boone, NC 28608-2067