
Wong Kin Wai, Albert

黃老師為資訊科技教育領袖協會主席,並活躍於社區服務以支援資訊科技教育。現/曾任教育局、考評局及優質教育基金不同委員會(有關資訊科技教育或 ICT 課程)主席或委員。

Mr. Wong chairs a professional teacher association, "Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)". Mr. Wong is active in public and community services to support quality of education. He has served as Leader of Google Educator Group (GEG) Hong Kong, chairmen of CIT and ICT Subject Committees (HKEAA), and members of the Steering Committee on Strategic Development of Information Technology in Education (EDB), the Public Examination Board (HKEAA), CDC-HKEAA Committee on Information and Communication Technology (Senior Secondary) (EDB)

Sandra Chow

Sandra Chow 是北京市鼎石學校教育科技創新總監,她擁有在加拿大和台灣地區多個年級的教學經歷。 Sandra 深信教師與學生合作的力量,她熱愛與其他教育者分享自己的經驗,一直以來也是如此在全球踐行。 Sandra 曾榮獲兩項國家級科技獎項,她是蘋果公司傑出教育工作者(ADE)、微軟公司創新教育專家、SMART 模範教育工作者、谷歌公司認證創新者項目的成員及培訓師,同時也是谷歌地球教育專家項目的成員。

Sandra Chow is Director of Innovation & Digital Learning at Keystone Academy, in Beijing. Sandra has taught in multiple grades in Canada & Taiwan, and believes firmly in the power of collaboration for teachers and students. She loves sharing her experiences with other educators, and has done so around the world. She has won 2 National Technology awards, Google Certified Innovator and Trainer and part of the Google Geo Education Expert Team. She loves to hear and tell stories, and strives for authentic connections in daily life.

Yu Yiu-chung, Nick

Deputy Head of Information and Technology Team at C & M A Sun Kei Primary School, Executive Committee member of Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE), Co-Leader of GEG HK and Google Certified Trainer. Nick is an innovative educator and try to use the most current tools and technologies along with a pedagogical framework that allows him to achieve the best results possible in teaching his students. As an innovator, it is more authenticity when working with academics and other colleagues to embed this practice in their own teaching.

Pang Ka Wai, Jason

彭嘉煒老師是 GEG HK-Macao SAR 的領導人,他也是 Google 認證創意家及 Google 認證講師。近年,他研究科技融合教育對學生學習的益處並至力推廣電子學習及翻轉學習方案,希望藉此,讓學生重獲學習的主導權,把學習還給孩子。

Jason Pang is the Leader of GEG HK-Macao SAR. He is also the Google Certified Innovator & Google Certified Trainer. In the recent years, he was investigating the influence of EDTech infusion also promoting e-learning and flipped learning solutions. He hope that can raise the learning motivation of children.

Shengnan Penny Ma


Penny Ma is the Primary Innovation Coach at Keystone Academy Beijing. Penny is a licensed elementary educator with a Master in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language and Instructional Technology. She has IB PYP experience, an inquiry mindset, and a passion to integrate technology in teaching and learning. She uses technology frequently in teaching, which allows students to create and interact with digital content to empower their creativity and innovation. She is highly proficient in a variety of tech tools, including Google Apps for Education, Moodle, Canvas, Microsoft Education, and using iPads in a 1-1 classroom setting.

Eric Lau

劉老師在一所本地英文中學擔任科技教育主任,他自2014年以來一直促進電子學習並在學校推行 BYOD。他專業興 趣包括Google Suites、電腦編程 、人工 智能和和其 他最新的 科技工 具。他亦在不同場合分享了他的教學經驗,如教育局研討會、香港教育城工作坊和學與教博覽

Eric Lau is the head of technology education in a local English school and he has promoted e-learning and implemented BYOD since 2014. Mr Lau’s professional interests include Google Suites, Coding, AI & any latest technology tools. He also shared his experiences on different occasions such as EDB seminars, HKEdCity workshops and L&T Expo.

Jane Wong

Jane 曾經是一位工程師,做了老師以後,對科技的熱愛未變,一直尋找機會把科技融入教學中,在此過程中,Google工具起到很大的作用。現在是一所國際學校的科技老師。

Jane Wong had been an engineer and love technology. After becoming a teacher, she keeps looking for opportunities to use technology to support teaching and Learning. As a Google certified educator, G-Suite plays an important role in her daily work.

Chiu Wai Shing

大家好,我是趙偉成,之前是一位香港的小教師,現在於台灣修讀博士班,我超喜歡使用Google for Education於我的課堂中。所以我希望讓更多人認識及使用Google for Education,促進學習。

Teacher in Hong Kong before., now studying Postgraduate in Taiwan. Enjoys using Google for Education in my lesson, so that I want to let more people know and use Google for Education, also use it to facilitate learning.

Tip Wan Leung 梁叠韻

叠韻在近十年間於多間IB國際學校任職學習支緩教師輔助有學習障礙的學生學習。作為一位Google認證教育工作者,她透過多種G suite工具幫助學生面對在學習上遇到的困難並減低學習障礙對他們整體學習的影響。

Tip Wan has been working in multiple IB schools as a Learning Support teacher for almost ten years working closely with students with learning difficulties. As a Google Certified Educator, she uses different G suite tools to support students to effectively manage their challenges in learning

KK Fung

馮健剛老師是Google認證講師、GEG HK-Macao SAR Co-Leader,期望能透過不同的渠道協助教育同工掌握G Suite for Education之應用。近年喜歡利用VR及AR進行不同的學科活動,藉此提升學生的學習興趣。

Peter Lee
