Stress, Anxiety, & Coping Resources
Stress, Anxiety, & Coping Resources
Parent Teen Connect website helps families have difficult conversations about expanding independence as kids get older
Parent Teen Connect website helps families have difficult conversations about expanding independence as kids get older
Depression, Thoughts of Suicide, Self Harm Resources
Depression, Thoughts of Suicide, Self Harm Resources
Lifeline: National Suicide Prevention website 1.800.273.8255
Lifeline: National Suicide Prevention website 1.800.273.8255
SAMHSA’s National Helpline 1.800.662.HELP (4357)
SAMHSA’s National Helpline 1.800.662.HELP (4357)
Text LISTEN to 741-741 or call 1-800-273-8255.
Text LISTEN to 741-741 or call 1-800-273-8255.
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency please call 911.
Multnomah County Mental Health Call Center 503-988-4888
Multnomah County Mental Health Call Center 503-988-4888
24/7 Crisis Line Phone -503-988-4888
Teen & Youth Hotline-1-877-968-8497
Teen & Youth Hotline-1-877-968-8497
Trevor Project (LGBTQ+)-1-866-488-7386
Trevor Project (LGBTQ+)-1-866-488-7386
Distance Learning
Distance Learning
Other Useful Information
Other Useful Information
Search Institute has identified the following building blocks of healthy development—known as Developmental Assets—that help young children grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.
School Based Health Clinic (Cleveland HS)- 503-988-3350
School Based Health Clinic (Cleveland HS)- 503-988-3350
211 referral / resources- 503-222-5555
The Dougy Center -503-775-5683
The Dougy Center -503-775-5683
Grief & Loss Support
The Panther Enrichment and Academic Knowledge (PEAK) Program is a series of after-school classes open to all Sellwood Middle School students. The majority of classes run on an 11 week session schedule in the fall, winter, and spring. Classes meet one to two times a week at the school. Individual classes require a fee for participation. The fee covers class supplies and instructor fees.