Digital Citizenship in PPS

shortened link:

kids on computers
kids on ipads
high school kids group project
student writing a paper

Goal: Every student will build their digital citizenship and civic literacy skills.

Objective: Students will receive digital citizenship and civic literacy instruction, articulated across the K-12 grade span.

Description: The PPS IT Department and Library Services have collaborated to recommend curriculum for teaching digital citizenship and civic literacy concepts. This instruction, from Common Sense Education and Google, is aligned with the Oregon Library Standards, Common Core Standards, and ISTE Student Standards. Recommended digital citizenship and civic literacy lessons for each grade level are outlined at the links at the top of the page.

Delivery: Each building may develop a comprehensive plan for lesson delivery.  For example, a school’s teacher-librarian and/or individual classroom teacher could cover these lessons in the course of a year or during October, which is Digital Citizenship Month. 

Recommended curriculum was adapted from Tigard-Tualatin School District.


Melissa Lim, Technology Integration Specialist, 

Cat Nostrand, Technology Integration Specialist, 

Jennifer Hopkins, Technology TOSA, 

Ryan Hoxie, Technology TOSA,