
What is competition?

HOSA is an international organization that provides over 60 competitive events in all different areas for members to compete in. The competitions are at the area, state, and national levels. Competition is very fun and allows you to meet people from all over Texas, and if you make it far enough, you can go all over America. Winning a competitive event shows your ability to succeed and be assertive in your education and it adds a lot to your college applications and resumes. Colleges will be super impressed with the awards that you win through HOSA. All these events require is a little bit of work each day or each week and ample preparation. Look down below to find out more about competition.

Steps to participate in competition:

  1. Pick your competitive event. Click the button above to a flow chart that can help you decide what event is right for you based on your interests.

  2. Once you have a general idea of what area you should compete in, go to the sub-tabs of the competition tab and find your competitive event underneath its section. Feel free to explore all of the other tabs.

  3. Watch the video for your event and read over the guidelines and the free study materials listed to make sure that this is the correct competitive event for you and something that you feel you can prepare for within your schedule.

  4. Once you find your perfect event, make sure to sign up (Date coming soon) Events are first come first serve so make sure you don't wait too long since only 2 spots per event are available!!!

  5. Pay the $5 fee to Mrs. Kramer if your event has an online test as you sign up for your event.

  6. Once you are signed up, START STUDYING! Purchase or rent the books listed in the guidelines, study from the guidelines, use the free study materials provided with each event, find and study from quizlets, etc.

  7. Come to our study session dates every TBA starting: TBA after school until 6:30 pm to have a positive and productive study environment.

  8. After the first round of competition, we will acknowledge those that move on to the next stage. Work hard so that you can become one of them and make Wylie ISD and Wylie HOSA proud!!!

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