Google Classroom

First Steps

1. Create a Class

Go to, click the plus sign, and click "Create Class."

2. Create a "Resources" Topic

Create a topic titled, "Resources" for items that students may need to reference throughout the year (i.e. Syllabus, Class Policies, Websites, etc.).

3. Create Unit Topics

Create a topic for every unit in your curriculum to help organize assignments.

4. Copy a Class

Once you've created a resources topic and all of your unit topics, it's time to copy this class to efficiently create all of your other classes.

5. Add Rosters

Have students manually enter a class code, or use your Skyward username to quickly send invitations to your classes.

6. Add Guardian Emails

Add guardian emails by clicking "Invite guardians."

7. Create an Assignment

  1. Select "Make a copy for each student" when uploading a Google file.
  2. Number assignments for organization in Classroom and Google Drive

8. Grade Assignments

Grade, add private comments, and make suggestions. Click here for a detailed overview of how to give feedback.

Grades and Feedback

Exporting Grades

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Comment Bank

Helpful Resources