Tech Support

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Tech Support Hours / Horario de Soporte Técnico

Monday - Friday / Lunes - Viernes

10AM - 4PM

Laptop Acceptable Use Policy

Laptops (Chromebooks) have been provided by the district for students to complete online instructional assignments at home.

Students agree that they will not participate in any of the following activities while using this laptop.

  • Accessing material that is profane or obscene, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or hate.

  • Engaging in illegal activities including violation of copyright or other laws.

  • Sending or receiving messages that contain obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, abusive, or threatening language.

  • Spreading messages that can be reasonably interpreted as harassing, discriminatory, racist, hateful or defamatory; including engaging in cyberbullying

  • Revealing personal information about themselves or other persons on social networking sites, in emails or any other forum over the Internet.

  • Hacking, piracy or any tampering with hardware or software.

  • We recommend kids keep their computers in a “shared” space in your home when using it – somewhere that a parent or guardian has access to check in with what their child is doing, and that guardians should check in with them periodically.

  • We also recommend that parents set ground rules for computer use, such as times when the child should not be online, what types of websites they shouldn’t use, what types of videos you don’t want them to search for, etc.

  • Teachers may ask students to use online resources that they haven’t used before, so your child may need a little help from you to get them started with that resource and keep them on-task.

  • Students should member to practice good digital citizenship including protecting their personal privacy when using online resources and making sure to follow school rules online.

  • Using webcams for school-related work is something relatively new to both staff and students, and students should remember to behave appropriately when participating any online video conference activity or recording a video as part of an assignment.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the laptop is kept in working condition and to minimize any damages. The district has a very limited supply of replacement devices.

Students agree that the assigned laptop and charger will be returned when regular school sessions resume.

Support Guides

Connecting a Chromebook to WiFi

We will be adding additional support articles so please check back often.