Choosing Your Subjects

How to Choose Your Sixth Form Subjects

Sixth Form choices are a wonderful opportunity for you to focus on those subjects you excel in and enjoy and need to achieve well in for future study and/or career. You will need to consider your own interests and abilities and read the course descriptions carefully before making choices.

Many subjects place a greater emphasis on a high level of language, critical thinking, logic and essay-writing skills, whilst others require sustained completion of practical work. Staff are always happy to talk to you in detail about your options.

The main factor will be how well you do in your Key Stage 4 courses, so you will need to look at entry requirements carefully for each individual subject.  

On each subject course page in this prospectus there are suggestions of subjects that can combine well. This is not a prescriptive list.

Specific entry requirements for each subject can be found at the top of each subject page on this website.

Research in advance the entry requirements for degrees you may wish to study at University or as a Higher Level Apprenticeship – this can be done by using the website. 
Many courses have a combination of both grade entry requirements and subjects required. Most degrees also have specific GCSE entry requirements.

We would also recommend you explore the "Informed Choices" website which is designed to help you understand which Level 3 course help you access which post-18 qualifications.

Destinations 2022 (2023 to follow)

See below for RR6 Destinations 2022.

 Where might studying at RR6 take you in 2026?