A Level 

English Literature

Entry Requirements

Both GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature at grade 6 or higher.

Exam Board: OCR

Why Study English Literature?

Welcome to A Level English Literature. Studying English Literature at A Level is an exciting, challenging and world changing experience. GCSE English was just the start of what promises to be a journey of discovery through poetry, drama and novels. Through the study of literature spanning several centuries, you will apply post-colonial criticism to Shakespeare’s ‘Tempest’; delve deep in to the twisted, demented worlds of the gothic or dystopian; explore literature as activism and reimagine stories from our past through the eyes of brave and game changing writers. You will expand your horizons from feminist movements of recent history to political representations through time. By combining a flourishing knowledge of the world around you with sharp analytical skills and technical knowledge of language, you will learn to write adeptly and succinctly – developing skills for the rest of your life that can be used across all spheres of study or work. This course will challenge, inspire and motivate the critically and creatively minded, and ignite your passion for the world of words. 

At RR6 we aim to develop students’ critical thinking skills which will help them to interpret the world around them and become learners for life. Critical theory is a key component of our course, encouraging students to apply their communication skills to all theoretical and practical settings.

We study a range of texts from the post-modern era and different cultures, without losing touch with classical literature. We encourage students to think about how English literature has developed over time and challenge them to form their own ideas on issues such as identity, politics and culture.

We take a holistic approach to the study of English literature to help students prepare for the wider world and the next steps in life and education. This means encouraging students to also engage with wider reading to help them achieve REAL success: respect, equality ambition and learning.

What Topics Will I Study? How Will I Be Assessed?

Component 01 - Drama and Poetry pre-1900- 40%
Component 1 has a focus on pre-1900 texts such as Shakespeare, Rossetti and Ibsen.

Written paper - 60 marks - Closed text - 2 hours 30 minutes

Component 02 - Comparative and contextual study – 40%
Component 2 will have a focus on a specific genre such as The Gothic or Dystopian Literature.

Close reading in chosen genre plus comparative and contextual study from chosen genre

Written paper - 60 marks - Closed text - 2 hours 30 minutes

Component 03 - Literature post-1900 – 20%
Component 3 will include modern poetry, drama and prose.

Critical piece OR re-creative writing piece with commentary

Comparative essay – synoptic assessment

Non examined assessment - 40 marks

Pupils will be expected to read widely outside the set texts including other related novels, plays, poetry and critical theories.

Internal Mock exams will take place in Year 12 and 13. 

Final Exams will be taken at the end of Year 13. 

An Example/Illustration of the Type of Work Involved

Both exams will require students to respond to an extract related to the texts they have studied. For Shakespeare, this will be an extract from The Tempest that students would need to analyse critically for the use of language, structure and form. For the comparative and contextual study this will be an extract from either The Gothic or Dystopian genre (depending on which genre has been studied). The other exam questions will be essays based on the bigger concepts that texts deal with such as: hope, power, control or oppression. The coursework is a unique opportunity for students to develop their own essay questions, independently research and build creative exciting academic arguments. 

What Careers or Higher Education Follow from this Subject?

A Level English Literature is the perfect stepping stone towards any communication-based careers: journalism, law, performing arts, education etc. Every year we see students continue their study of English Literature at prestigious universities including Oxford and Cambridge. However, English Literature A Level opens doors to study a wide variety of subjects such as History, Psychology, Sociology and much more. 

Other Opportunities Available Whilst Studying This Course

Over the two years you will be able to take advantage of theatre trips, visits to sites of literary interest, poetry workshops and slams.

Subjects which combine well with this course include:

Recent RR6 Alumni in this subject include:

Class of 2022 examples:

University of Oxford studying English Language and Literature

University of Reading studying Creative Writing and Film and Theatre

Queen Mary University of London studying English and Drama

Bournemouth University studying Multimedia Journalism

Birkbeck, University of London studying Liberal Arts

University of Leicester, University of Exeter and Newcastle University studying Law

Ravensbourne University London studying Digital Film Production

University of Warwick studying Sociology

Queen Mary University of London studying Marketing and Management with a year in industry

SOAS University of London studying LLB Law

SOAS University of London studying Global Development

University of Westminster, London studying Digital Marketing

University of Chichester studying Law with Criminology

University of Suffolk studying Diagnostic Radiography

Royal Holloway, University of London studying Business and Management

Loughborough University studying Geography (with placement year)

Nottingham Trent University studying Criminology

University of the Arts London studying Fashion Management 

University of the Arts London studying Games Art

Kingston University studying Sport Science

Previous Alumni have gone on to, for example :

English at University of Cambridge and University of York

English and Creative Writing at University of Birmingham

English Literature at University of East Anglia

Music and English at Royal Holloway University

Surrey University studying English Literature 

Loughborough University studying English Literature with Placement Year 

Bristol University, Sussex University, Southampton University, City University and Queen Mary University studying English

Law with Politics at the University of Sussex

Oxford University studying History and English

Oxford University studying English Language and Literature

SOAS studying Law

St Mary's University studying Primary Education

East Anglia University studying American Literature with Creative Writing

Edinburgh University studying Architecture

Roehampton University studying Journalism

American Studies and Politics (with year abroad) at University of Sussex

Classics at University of Glasgow

Digital Film Production at Ravensbourne University London

History and English at University of Greenwich

Criminology at Nottingham Trent University

Law at Lancaster University and University of Wolverhampton

Economics at University of Bristol