Holiday Activities

Easter is here - we have put together some activities and ideas for you to enjoy during the holidays.

Easter Activities by Chhaya 6G 

Easter is an important Christian festival – it's when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it is a holiday lots of people love! 

This year, Easter is on Sunday, the 31st of March. You don't have to be Christian to celebrate Easter. There are so many different activities to do at Easter. You can watch Easter movies, read Easter books, have an Easter egg hunt and many more activities. Read on to find out more ideas! 

You can have an Easter egg hunt in your backyard/ garden. Ask a family member to hide chocolate eggs; you and your family can search for them.  

You can also relax and read an Easter book or watch an Easter movie, e.g. Hop, Easter Parade, Easter Bunny Adventure.  

You can also print Easter word searches or Easter crosswords, or why not try to draw your own type of Easter egg and decorate it in your own way. If none of the above is in your interest, you can also try finding a reliable, easy recipe on Google or in a cookbook, and you can bake cakes or biscuits for your family but remember to always keep safe while cooking, otherwise you can end up with a severe injury.  

You can do whatever you want on Easter, and you don't have to do the above activities, but when it is the holiday you need to stay fit, especially when the weather is sunny, and have fun. 

I hope you have a great, memorable Easter. 

Easter Jokes:

What kind of bunny can't hop?

A chocolate bunny. 

What do you call a bunny with lice?

Bugs Bunny!

What do you call a Transformer Bunny?

Hop-timus Prime. 

How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape?


What does a bunny like to dance to?


What do you call a bunny with money?

A millionhare. 

What is a rabbit's favorite jewelry?

A 24-carrot gold ring. 

What do you call a rabbit with a cold?

A runny bunny. 

Why did the Easter Bunny go on strike?

He wanted a better celery.

What did one egg say to the other egg?

Heard any good yolks lately?

What do you call a zen Easter egg?

An ommmmmmlet. 

What did the egg say when the Easter Bunny told a joke?

You crack me up. 

What stories do Easter eggs tell their children?

Yolk tales. 

What did the Easter Egg ask for when he went to the hair salon? 

A new dye job. 

Why are you so tired in April?

Because you just finished a March. 

Why did the jelly bean go to school?

Because he really wanted to be a Smartie. 

How do you know carrots are good for your eyesight?

Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?


Answers at the end of this page - do not cheat


Bunny Fairy Bread


6 pieces Bread

1 tbsp Butter

1/2 cup Nonpareils Sprinkles

12 Candy Eyes

6 Candy Hearts Or any other edible sprinkles that would make a cute nose.


1. Use a rolling pin to roll out the bread a little.

2. Use a bunny cookie cutter cut out bunny shapes.

3. Spread a thin layer of butter on the ears only.

4. Dip into the nonpareils sprinkles to coat.

5. Then apply a thin layer of butter to the bunny face and dip that into a different colour of nonpareils sprinkles. 

6. Make the face by add candy eyes and a nose.


Bunny Pencil Holder 


- White and pink cardstock (one sheet of each colour)

- An empty tin can

- White acrylic paint

- Foam paint brush

- 1 pink pompom

- 4 white pompoms

- Googly eyes

- Scissors

- Tape

- Hot glue gun


1 - Paint your tin can with your white acrylic paint. Ideally, you’ll want to cover it with 2 thin layers of paint. Allow to dry completely.

2 - Draw and cut out the ears

3 - Use tape to secure the pink ear on the centre of your white ear – note that the bottom of the ear pieces should align. 

4 - Now, it’s time to assemble the bunny! Place hot glue gun on the bottom of your ears and stick it on the inside of your tin can. 

5 - Place a dot of hot glue on your pink pompom and secure it to the centre of your tin can. 

6 - Now, glue the eyes onto the tin can. 

7 - With your 4 remaining white pompoms, glue it onto the back of your tin – this will be your bunny’s little tail! 

Easter Themed Books & Movies :

Answers :