2024 TUPE PSA Contest

2024 Film Festival Photo Gallery

Universal Studios VIP Tour for Grand Prize Winners

Middle School-Animation

Simons Animated 2023 JohnBob - Deborah Vasquez.mp4

Grand Prize Winner

"JohnBob" created by Simons Middle School

Michael Gutierrez Gabriel Estrada

Kevin Canchola Julius Garcia

Lexington_Emiley Gaspar - Michelle Gonzales.MOV

Grand Prize Winner

"The Effects of Tobacco on Youth and Young Bodies" 

created by Lexington K-8

Emiley Gaspar Jazlyn Topete

Valente Herrera Sebastian Valle

High School-Animation

Grand Prize Winner

"Students Can Vape Everywhere"

created by Garey High School

Mathew Cabrera Isaiah Serrato

Middle School-Live Action

Lexington Live Action.mov

Grand Prize Winner

"TUPE: No Vaping" 

created by Lexington K-8

Hector Crisento Mathew Cach

Alekzander Lopez Diego Lopez

High School-Live Action

StopWhileYouStillCan - Todd Cottam.mov

Grand Prize Winner

"Stop While You Still Can

created by Village Academy HS

Rosemary Vasquez David Morales

Middle School-Animation

Adolescences.Vejar - Judith Perez.mp4

Honorable Mention


created by Vejar K-8

Samantha Reyna Melissa Martinez

Brenda Camacho Sophia Gonzalez

High School-Animation

Media Monster.mp4

Honorable Mention

"Media Monster

created by Ganesha High School

Morelia Rico

Middle School-Live Action

TUPE Video PSA- Regaining Control Tobacco-Free - Lissette Acosta.mp4

Honorable Mention

"Regaining Control

created by Cortez K-8

Andy Garcia Jared Castro Sanchez-Alvarez

Jaylene Calvillo Angeline Sanchez-Aramburo

High School-Live Action

Up in Agony - Tiffany Dennis.mp4

Honorable mention

"Up in Agony" created by Fremont Academy

Andrew Phem


Honorable Mention

"What's Up With George?" created by Ganesha HS

Christian Hernandez Genaro Guerra

Brianna Ramirez Charlie Garcia

Best Actor

StopWhileYouStillCan - Todd Cottam.mov

Rosemary Vasquez

Starring in "Stop While You Still Can"

Best Cinematography

Lexington Live Action.mov

Matthew cach

for his work with "TUPE:No Vaping"