Senior Issues: Election 2018

Useful Links:

Real Clear Politics Election CentralMr. Holmes & Mr. Klee Recommend you start here with your research.

*Proquest: A database of over 10,000 publications including local newspapers, NY Times, and the Washington Post. This database requires a password from home. Passwords are in your Senior Issues Google Drive Folders OR click HERE

FiveThirtyEight 2018 Election

FiveThirtyEight House Forecast

FiveThirtyEight Senate Forecast

Ballotpedia: US Congress Elections 2018

AllSides.comThis website pulls from a variety of sources and tells you whether or not the publication leans left, right or is right in the middle.


We recommend using Noodletools when creating a Works Cited Page. See Ms. Urrutia or Mr. Baillargeon for help if needed.