WHy join?

What is your favorite part about being in band or orchestra?

"Being in a group where you aren't compared, the amount of creative freedom, and just being part of such a fun class"

- Riddhi Bansal (Clarinet and Alto-saxophone)

"My favorite part about being in orchestra is how cooperative we are as a class, and how with a lot of refining we can play wonderful music. I like being in a class that makes me feel like I’m making something rather than solving a math problem."

- Abigail Schidler (Viola)

"Doing things like marching and pep band"

- Zander Bill (Percussion)

"The things we do are very fun activities that positively impact our community."

- Grace An (Flute)

What are the benefits of participating in band or orchestra?

"As opposed to other classes, Orchestra is a wonderful place to really let go of all the stress and anxiety you’ve picked up throughout the day. Music is a a great way to burn with existing friends or a connection you can make with future friends."

-Ben Khong (Violin)

If someone is unsure about whether or not they should be in band or orchestra, what would you tell them?

"This class is one of the most fun classes I have. The community is so welcoming, do it!"

- Michael Chelius (Clarinet and Bass Clarinet)

"That they should join, because it'll be an enjoyable experience that not everybody gets to have. Playing music is something that most people don't get to do and doing it through the school is an easy way to get involved. "

- Hudson Davis (Percussion)

"You meet a lot of people that share a lot of interests with you. I’m not really social and I have a hard time starting conversations with people, but music gives me a mutual conversation starter. I still talk with the people I met in 7th grade when I transferred to this district. Just know the music world is very small in the sense that you can form lifelong connections and it could be very beneficial in the future and everyone always knows someone else. "

- Numa Giri (Flute and Tenor-saxophone)

"I was reluctant to continue doing band in high school because of marching band, but it ended up being not that bad. Band camp also made me feel unsure about continuing band but it was actually pretty fun! Honestly I was planning to quit band after freshman or sophomore year (freshman year was online and I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue band) but it actually turned out to be my favorite class. "

- Royee Shen (Flute)

What activities/sports/jobs/classes are you in? How have you been able to balance being in band/orchestra with all of your activities?

"From my freshman to senior year in high school I've taken and been successful in 6 AP classes and 6 CHS classes. During my freshman and sophomore year I did soccer (which was in the same season as marching band). While it was a challenge to have a lot on my plate, my friends and family were always behind me to support me. Additionally, once I found my niche in band there were a lot of people that helped me along the way."

- Ava Gaddis (Clarinet, Bassoon, and Tenor-saxophone)

Anything else you want to share with the prospective band/orchestra students?

"I actually almost quit band after my first year of online school, but I thought I would give REAL high school band a try. I wouldn't take back my decision for the world."

- Eric Axtell (Trombone)

"Band isn't all about competitions and getting notes right. In general, I feel like it helps people feel closer together. Having that kind of bond with many people can be rare in high school. Its nice to be able to rely on those kind of friendships with classmates and teachers who have known you since freshman year."

- Miya Greiner (Flute, Bass Clarinet, and Trumpet)

"Whether you want to pursue a music career or just want to join band/orchestra for fun, there is a place for you here, and we'll be here to teach you as much as you want to learn."

- Timothy Sung (Trombone)