Positive Behavior Interventions and SupportS

PBIS Encourages success for the whole child

In Northshore, we believe that a school climate that attends to the behavior and social-emotional needs of students is a school that attends to the needs of the whole child. When students feel they are safe, respected, and in control of their emotions and behavior, they are more ready to learn. Schools that examine their practices and develop a system of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support are not only schools that embrace equity, but they are also places where students can learn at high levels.

At Lockwood, We use the acronym "PAWS" as the foundation.

P - Persevere (Eliminate distractions, never stop trying.)

A - Act Responsibly (Know the rules, do the right thing.)

W - Work Together (Show respect, protect each other.)

S - Stay Safe (Follow the rules, all the time.)

Think Sheets

Our PBIS team has designed a school-wide "Think Sheet". The idea behind the Think Sheet is for students to reflect on their behavior, as well as to foster a discussion between the student and staff member. This is not a punishment, but rather a time staff sets aside to support students, 1:1, in a positive way.

On the copy that students bring home is a place for a parent signature. This helps us communicate what happened and what was discussed. The idea is not for the student to be punished when they get home, but to continue the discussion on emotions, mood, expectations, strategies, goals, etc.

Finally, we are using the Think Sheets to look for patterns in behavior in individual students, as well as school-wide for all students. For example, is it often happening at recess, or mostly during a certain time of day? Are many students having trouble in a certain area of the class, playground, etc.? As a staff, we can then discuss ways to be proactive when we see patterns.