
Performance Calender (CLICK HERE)

General Information

Dates are provided as soon as possible to ensure attendance by both students AND families. It is so terrific to see our students perform, and we want to make sure everyone knows!! Please click on the link above. This calendar is updated regularly!!

Does the school provide concert wear?

The school provides choir robes for our most formal events. Students will be expected to provide "concert black" attire for our non-formal events. More details on these expectations will be provided in our welcome letter.

Is there a supply fee?

There is a $12 supply fee for this class.

Do students need a piano or keyboard at home?

If possible, YES. It always helps to be able to practice at home as well. However, this is not a requirement to be enrolled in class.

Does the choir have fundraising events?

We are currently rebuilding our parent booster organization and fundraising committee. Please email if you are interested in participating!!

Typical Program

CONCERT CHOIR (Beginning Choir) 9th grade and/or students trying choir out for the first time. COURSE # MUV150

SOLI VOCE (Advanced Choir) 10-12th grade. Students who have prior experience with written music, have been in a high school choir at least one year, and by audition in the spring. COURSE # MUV360

Grading Policy

Northshore School District has adopted a "no zero" policy. There are no grades lower than "40%" at this time.

PERFORMANCE (60% of Overall Grade)

There will be four performances throughout the school year. Attendance is mandatory, however accommodations are made for illness and unforseen circumstances. 

CHECKPOINTS (20% of Overall Grade)

There are roughly six checkpoints during the semester. Students will choose several songs excerpts from their group list and sing them for the instructor for a grade.  Students will also demonstrate rhythm and notation comprehension in a written format. 

PARTICIPATION (10% of Overall Grade)

Students are assessed on their management of resources and time. Every class period is a rehearsal, and students will be expected to follow posted behavior protocol.

MUSIC THEORY (10% of Overall Grade)

Between concerts there will be 5-6 basic theory worksheets for students to advance their music knowledge.


I accept late work in all categories, but I do take points off for being late. Students are given ample time to achieve these goalposts. However, it is important to note that if students need more time on any assignment, and approach me in advance, I will often waive the late grade.