Kokanee Coding Accounts

Code.org: Sign in to save your progress

  1. Log in to Clever

  2. Choose the Code.org tile from "Supplemental Tools" for automatic sign in

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page, enter grade level code (listed below) OR start from the beginning if you a new coder. After the first visit, you will continue Code.org at your point of progress

"My Dashboard"

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page

  • At first visit, enter grade level code (shown below).

  • Then click on the Course title to start the puzzles.

Section Code: RLHWVZ

Section Code: LTNPHG

Section Code: YRBFBH

Section Code: FGKSXB

Section Code: NCSFPF

Section Code: ZJXZZY

Other Coding Apps: Login to save your progress


*Ask your teacher for a class code and login. Not all classes have an account.

  1. Choose the Kodable tile in Clever

  2. Choose School then enter Class Code

  3. Choose your Name then choose Password picture


  1. Choose the Tynker tile in Clever

  2. Choose Login, then choose Student

  3. Input your username and password

*username is the lowercase letter k plus student number (e.g., k9999915), PW is kodiaks

  1. Click on Kokanee as your class

  2. Choose a free game to play in your dashboard

More coding activites, no login needed.

Scratch Junior

Available only as a free app on iPad or Android devices