Useful APES Links

Every issue we will confront in this course is infinitely more complicated to define and solve than we first expect. The seemingly simple issue of which grocery bag to ask for, paper or plastic, is no exception. It's up to science to uncover the facts about each choice/solution; then those facts must be used to weigh options and consider trade-offs in choosing the best path. And, many times, the real solution is found in innovative thinking and a change in human behavior.

Bozeman Science: IPAT video

A model for evaluating how economics impacts environmental sustainability.

The Lorax Video

a parable for the dangers of unsustainable development

The Truax

a response to the Lorax from the lumber industry

How Cell Phones are Made

Take a tour of a Chinese cell phone factory.

Landfill Video #1

Landfill Video #2

Roosevelt Landfill

This is OUR regional landfill near Republic, WA.

1962 trash dump within Seattle

(near Montlake, close to UW stadium)

Unit 2. Links for Lesson 2. Problems with plastic recycling.

Lesson 2: Innovative solution to recycling plastics and reusing plastic as raw material

Also, go to the company website.

Sites to find help with plastic recycling:

Unit 2. Lesson 4.

What is "Health Risk"?

Unit 2. Lesson 4. Estimating Health Risks

Minerals/Metals in your Cell phone

Were all of the metals/minerals in our Mining Expedition in this video?

Bozeman Science on Mining

Nicely packaged review. Has a useful concept map.

2015 Gold King Mining Disaster (in action)

Abandoned mine from the early 1900's meets a disastrous effort to clean it up.

Gold King Mine Impacts

News story outlines the environmental and human concerns from this toxic mess.

E-waste recycling in Pakistan

World's largest e-waste dump site: Agbobloshie, Ghana

UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030: Are they attainable?

Food Security and Looming Food Shortages

Access to Water

Adya found this cool video on using a simple technology to make clean drinking water. Thanks Adya!

Water Resources Review

Biogeochemical Cycles

Very good review of eutrophication!

Agriculture Review

Unit 4.

Lesson 2. Stirling Engine and Hero Engine


Lesson 3. Electricity

Power vs Energy


Lesson 5:

Nuclear Power: How uranium is enriched

Lesson 5:

Chain Reaction (of uranium during nuclear fission)