About Ms. Bains

Canyon Del Oro Superhero teacher dance (2014)

Journalism Day with the Phoenix Suns


University of Arizona Elite 8 Basketball Game

Ms. Aneet Bains


  • English 12: Focus on Voice
  • Pre-AP English 9


B.A. - Journalism (Minor: Creative Writing)- University of Arizona

M.A.- Language, Reading, and Culture- University of Arizona

M. Ed. - Teaching and Teacher Education- University of Arizona

Teaching Experience:

  • Canyon Del Oro High School (Oro Valley, AZ) - 2013-2016
  • Woodinville High School (Woodinville, WA) - 2016-present

Defining Moment in My Education

Growing up, I was always an avid reader. I would read anything I could get my hands on. I was known to stay up late with a flashlight under the covers reading, long after my bedtime. I toted books around with me wherever I went, and I read the same ones over and over again, until they fell apart...and then I read them again. Until this summer when I purchased my Amazon PaperWhite, I was still taking at least three books with me when I was traveling. I am thankful that I no longer have to carry the extra weight, but still have books with me at all times. I can have my cake and eat it too- or rather, have my books and read them too.

When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to complete all of the International Baccalaureate courses for English. I had several exceptional English teachers, and all of them impacted my love for literature and writing in positive ways. Before taking these classes, I primarily surrounded myself with current and contemporary fiction (Harry Potter was my favorite then, and remains my favorite today). However, my IB teachers introduced me to the world of classic literature in a wide range of genres, and authors. Not only did we read texts like All Quiet on the Western Front, Romeo and Juliet, and Tale of Two Cities, we also read texts from authors who came from different cultural backgrounds as well. The House of the Spirits, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents, and Beloved, to name a few. All four of my teachers expanded my range of literature, knowledge, and vocabulary. To this day, I attribute my love for literature, and my dedication to my pedagogy to them.

When I was in 11th grade, I worked as tutor for the KUMON program. I taught reading and writing for students ages 3-15. This was my first experience teaching and working with students individually, and I felt confident in my abilities to assist them in understanding the KUMON content. Students enjoyed my teaching methods, and always wanted to be seated at my table. I knew I was able to make a difference to those students, but going into college, I had not thought of pursuing teaching as my career.

After graduating from college, I made the decision to go back to school, and within four years I completed two master's degrees, and both were in the field of education. I was again given an opportunity to teach and help others learn, and being able to share my knowledge with others has empowered me as an individual.

Core Educational Beliefs

Every student can learn. Some may have challenges that others do not, but all students are capable of learning, knowledge, and being successful in all areas of their lives.

With a growth mindset, anyone can do anything.


-To share my knowledge with others

-To encourage all students to pursue their goals and dreams

-To create an engaging learning environment

-To have a strong and safe classroom community