Virtual Day Activities
Virtual Day activities will be posted here on virtual days. Complete ONE of the activities of your choice below, then fill out the form at the bottom of the page, OR write your answers on a piece of paper, and turn it in to Mr. Blohm the next school day.
Virtual Day Activity Choices:
Music Listening: Listen to the three songs below, or three songs of your own choice. Listen to the songs, and for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade write three to four sentences about what you heard or noticed in the song. For Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd, write three or four things you notice about the song. These can be anything you notice, like the instruments used in the song, how the music makes you feel, what it makes you think of etc.
Song Writing: Use the song writer in Chrome Music Lab , write a short eight measure song that has two parts to it. a melody (The main tune of the piece) and a harmony (notes that help make the main tune, the melody, sound better)
Music Scavenger hunt: Look around you home, find 3 things you could use as an instrument. How would you play them like an instrument? What instrument that we've used or seen in class would it most be like? What's a song you could play your new instrument with?
Instrument Practice: If you play an instrument, practice or play for 15 to 30 minutes. In the form below, write what instrument you played, and what you practiced. scales, songs etc.
Music Interview: Interview two or three people you know about their musical interests. What is their favorite song right now, and why? What is their favorite instrument and why, If they could play any instrument in the world, what instrument would they play? What are their favorite musicians, bands, or groups? What does music mean to them. You can also interview yourself if you want!
Invent an Instrument: Invent your own instrument! How you would play it, what would it be made out of, what kind of sound would it make, and what would it look like? Try drawing a picture of the instrument you invented!
Mr. Blohms Listening Activity Suggestions for Today