Strategic Planning

Departmental Planning Site LINK 

Why we plan, Intro to Planning Video, using SPOL LINK

What to expect from this site:


PC 2023-2028 Strategic Plan Handout.pdf

Strategic Plan Development Document 2023-2028

PC_Strategic Plan 2023-2028.pdf


The Phoenix College Strategic Planning Committee guided the efforts to develop the new PC Strategic Plan, which focused on the creation of a plan that aligned with the MCCCD Strategic Commitments but was focused on the unique mission and strengths of our college. 

The committee with input from more than 500 stakeholders have developed the new Strategic Plan for planning years 2023 through 2028. The committee will continue their work by:


The Phoenix College Leadership Team will provide continual input and guidance into the college Strategic Plan. 

Our Vice Presidents and Deans will lead the efforts to create our college-wide plans and be the champions of progress. The leaders of our college divisions will leverage the process of developing the college-wide plans to clarify the vision for the future in their areas.

The Leadership Team will also commit to aligning resources with the goals and objectives of our Strategic Plan in order to achieve our shared vision.


Our Academic Department Chairs will be expected to continue setting/revising/reaffirming goals and objectives for their area on an annual basis. The establishment of new goals or reaffirmation of existing goals are part of the new, streamlined program review process. 

Annual planning for departments are now housed in the SPOL (Strategic Planning Online) tool. As faculty and leaders of fellow faculty, Chairs will also assist in identifying actions that result from the department objectives and align with the Strategic Plan.


Faculty contribute to the planning of their department, the establishment of goals and objectives, and the deployment of tactics in the classroom and through service assignments. Faculty will be asked to engage in the planning process by understanding the strategic priorities of the college and aligning their activities to the achievement of the objectives of their department.


Directors, managers, and others in a leadership role at Phoenix College will continue to contribute to planning in their area on an annual basis. Annual plans are now housed in the SPOL (Strategic Planning Online) tool. 

Departments may also be selected to undergo review on a recurring cycle of every three years.  


Staff contribute to the planning of their unit, the establishment of goals and objectives, and the deployment of tactics in student interactions, support functions for their unit, or other service to the institution. Staff will be asked to engage in the planning process by understanding the strategic priorities of the college and aligning their activities to the achievement of the objectives of their unit.


As a member of a committee at Phoenix College, you may be asked to establish tactics/objectives related to your committee that align with the Strategic Plan. 

Key committees will be called upon to lead and/or support the development of college-wide plans.


Student representatives will be involved through particpation in various planning units such a department forums, surveys, committees and advisory councils.  Various stages of particpation by students will be sought from intital development of the strategic plan and approvement to planning unit objectives. 


Alumni, business partners, community members, policy makers and all other stakeholders are asked to engage with the planning process by participating in input gathering opportunities and providing feedback to the college related to the vision in the Strategic Plan.