
English Broadcast

"English Radio Fun" is a broadcast every Thursday from 12:00 to 12:20, featuring the   ICRT Lunch Box of the week and three popular English songs. The broadcast content will also be tailored to include special holidays of the month, such as Teacher's Day, Christmas, Mother's Day, etc., selecting relevant English broadcasts and English songs. The popular English songs include renowned One Voice Children Choir, popular selections from English singing competitions, and K-POP English versions of songs. 

In addition to the lunchtime broadcast, this year we have added reminders during break times to remind students of classes. We have also invited foreign and English teachers to collaborate on scriptwriting and train students in recording.



English Reminders during Break Times

①Class is about to begin.  就要上課了

②Please finish what you’re doing, 請儘快結束正在進行的活動

③walk back to your classroom slowly,  緩步回到教室

④and get ready for the next class.  我們準備上課囉



English Broadcast in September



    "Hello, everyone! Happy Teacher's Day!"

   "Hello, my name is Champion. I am 409 student. Dear Teacher, you make  

    learning so much fun! Happy Teacher's Day!"

   "Hello, my name is Charlotte. I am 409 student. To our amazing teacher, 

   thank you for being our guiding star. Happy Teacher's Day!"

   "Hello, my name is Dora. I am 409 student. "Happy Teacher's Day! You're 

   not just our teacher, you're our superhero in the classroom!"

"I'm Ray. Dear Teacher, you make learning so much fun! Happy Teacher's Day! I love you." 

"I'm Arie. Happy Teacher's Day! Your wisdom and care make the world a better place. Thank you for being our teacher!"

"I'm Deron. Dear Teacher, your kindness and patience inspire us every day. We appreciate you! Happy Teacher's Day!" 

President Gives Awards to Teachers in India

Hey, guess what?! Today is Teachers' Day! 你知道嗎?今天是教師節!

I know … You love this day! Because you love your teacher sooooo much,



Let's give teachers everywhere a great big clap! 


Wow! That was loud! You must love your teacher very much!

In Taiwan, Teachers' Day is on September 28th. Other countries have Teachers' Days too. But they're on different days.


In India, Teachers' Day is on September 5th. This year, India's president

gave awards to 75 teachers. These teachers worked hard for their students.

They did amazing things!


One teacher made an online drama. It helps kids learn. They have fun watching it at home! 


Another teacher loves his job. He comes to school every day. He hasn't missed a day of school... for eleven years!


One teacher loves his school so much, he cleans it every day! He cleans the

toilets too! He even uses his own money to help the school!


The 75 teachers in India help their students in many ways. Maybe your teacher does too. What can you give your teacher an award for?


1. award 獎項

I can't believe it! 真不敢相信!

They gave me an award! 他們給了我一個獎 !

Congratulations! What is the award for? 恭喜你,是什麼獎呢?

2. job 工作

For being a wonderful teacher! 因為我是很棒的老師。

Oh wow. But you don't even like your job! 哇,可是你甚至不喜歡你的工作。

3. every day 每天

I'm beginning to like it now. 我現在開始喜歡了。

It's a good job, you know. 這是個好工作。

Sure, you get to help children every day. 當然了,每天都可以幫助小朋友。

4. learn 學習

And I'm learning something new every day. 我每天也在學習新東西。

Like how to have fun when working. 比如說怎麼在工作時玩樂。



every day每天


1. When is Teachers' Day in Taiwan?

a. September 28th

b. September 5th

c. Every day

2. Who gave teachers in India their awards this year?

a. The President

b. The Prime Minister

c. The kids

3. How many teachers in India were given awards this year?

a. 28

b. 5

c. 75

1. a

2. a

3. c



English Broadcast in October




A New Logo for Double Ten Day

One … Two … Three … Four …

Oh hi, everyone! Happy Double Ten Day! Today is for Taiwan and Taiwan's


So... we're doing something new! First, let's stand! Yep, everybody stand up!

雙十節快樂! 今天是台灣重要的日子! 我們要做點不一樣的,請大家站起來!

Put your arms out to the left and right. This is "ten" in Chinese!

Now stand next to someone. Work in pairs. Put your arms out to the left and

right again. Look! You made the old Double Ten Day logo!


This year, Double Ten Day has a new logo. So let's change your pose.


Stand on your left foot. Point your right leg out to the right.

Point your left arm out to the left. Raise your right arm! Can you stand?

Yes! You made the new logo! Don't move!


The logo is blue, red, and white. Where are these colors from? They're from

Taiwan's flag!


Hey, you're still standing! You're strong! This logo shows Taiwan's people

are strong!

You are strong when change comes. You don't give up. You try to make things

good again.



Stand strong with your friends and family. Stand strong for Taiwan. Make

today a great Double Ten Day!


1. left and right 左邊和右邊

No, Jane, put your left arm out! 不對,你要伸出左手臂。

Not your right arm. 不是右手臂。

Left and right… How can I get it right? 左邊右邊,我要怎樣才能搞對?

2. stand 站立

Stand still and let me show you. 站著別動,我來教你。

You see, the hand you use for chopsticks is the right hand.


So this is the right arm. 所以這就是右手臂。

3. move 動作

Yes, you got it. 對,你說對了。

Jane, you're moving the wrong arm again! 你又動了錯的那隻手!

Oh no, I thought I finally got this move right.糟糕,我以為我終於做對了。

I give up on this dance, Nancy. 我放棄這支舞,Nancy。

Do you know right and left? Let's read the words.





1. What is Double Ten Day for?

a. Taiwan and Taiwan's people

b. Logos

c. Taiwan's flag

2. What does the new logo show about Taiwan's people?

a. They give up.

b. They are standing.

c. They are strong.

3. What color is not on Taiwan's flag?

a. Blue

b. Brown

c. Red

1. a

2. c

3. b 


11月英語日廣播 (2023/11/30)

English Broadcast in November




Wearable Robot Helps Runners Go Faster

We use machines all the time. Here are some ways. We drive cars. We send

texts on phones. We watch videos on TVs, computers, and tablets.


Some machines copy what people do. These machines are called "robots".


Robots in movies look like people. But most robots look very different! An

automatic vacuum cleaner is a robot. It copies how people clean floors. A

self-checkout machine in a supermarket is a robot. It copies everything a

cashier does.


Do you know about wearable robots? They help people move. Some wearable

robots are for people with disabilities. These robots make their lives

easier. Other wearable robots make people's arms or backs stronger. These

robots help people lift very heavy things.



Scientists in South Korea invented a new wearable robot. It helps people run



Runners wear this robot on their back, hips, and legs. When they take a step,

the robot pulls their back leg forward. That makes runners go faster!


Robots are everywhere! They're in our homes and on our streets. And now they

can be on our legs too!


1. different 不同的。

Hey, check out this robot I've just got. 你看我剛才買的這個機器人。

You call this a robot? 你把這叫做機器人? It sure looks


2. do 做。

I know, but it's very smart.我知道,不過它很聰明。

Smarter than your computer? 比你的電腦還聰明?

Yeah, it can do a lot of things.對,它可以做很多事。

3. faster 比較快的。

Like what?比如說什麼?

Like telling me when an earthquake will

happen.比如說告訴我地震什麼時候來,faster than anyone else. 比其他人都快。

4. clean 清掃。

Wow, what else can it do? 哇,它還會做什麼?

With its two arms, it can clean up the kitchen for me.


What do you want your robots to do? different不同的 do做 faster比較快的


1. Which machines copy people?

A: Cars

B: TVs

C: Robots

2. What do wearable robots help us do?

A: To think

B: To move

C: To send texts

3. Where was the new wearable robot invented?

A: Japan

B: North Korea

C: South Korea

1. C

2. B

3. C 



English Broadcast in December




Merry Christmases Around the World!

Christmas is coming in a few days! Are you excited?


Some people eat special food for Christmas. In the UK, people eat roasted

goose, chicken, or turkey. Some people in Ethiopia eat wat with flatbread.

Wat is a thick, spicy chicken soup. It's delicious!


Some people put up Christmas decorations at home. In the USA and South Korea,

people put up Christmas trees, lights, and garlands. Garlands are long, thick

lines of leaves. They're beautiful!


Some people do things outside. In Australia, Christmas Eve is for Christmas

songs. That night, people hold candles and sing. It's hot there, so some

people have Christmas at the beach! It's great!


Some people go to festivals. In Mexico, a nine-day festival has a pi?ata

every night. The pi?ata is star-shaped. There's something inside! Kids hit

the pi?ata with a stick. It opens! Candy falls out! It's fun!


People around the world enjoy Christmas in many ways. Now Santa's on his way.

The holiday fun is starting!


1. in many ways 在很多方面

Santa Claus is a fun person in many ways. 耶誕老公公是個有趣的人。

For one thing, he drives a sleigh. 舉例說吧,他駕駛雪撬。

2. excited 興奮高興的

Yeah, that's true. 對啊,確實是。

And everyone is excited to see him. 而且大家都高興看到他。

3. toy 玩具

He gives away toys and other gifts. 他會送玩具和其他的禮物。

People and parents buy those things, too. 爸爸媽媽或是一般人也會買那些。

4. inside, outside 裡面外面

And he doesn't stay inside.而且他不待在屋子裡。

He's always running around outside.他總是在外面跑來跑去。

That's because it's his job! 因為他的工作就是那樣。

in many ways在很多方面



inside, outside 裡面外面

1. What decorations do people in South Korea put up?

a. Garlands

b. Candles

c. Pi?atas

2. What is a special food in the UK?

a. Wat with flatbread

b. A roasted goose

c. Candy

3. Where do some people in Australia go on Christmas Day?

a. The beach

b. Santa's home

c. The UK

1. a

2. b

3. a 


1月英語日廣播 (2024/01/18)

English Broadcast in January


Dozens of Dads Clap for Kids

There's a cool team of dads in the USA: The Flash Dads!


They're tall dads, short dads, young dads, and granddads! They're thin dads,

strong dads, dads with glasses, and dads with beards! There are lots of

different Flash Dads, with lots of different jobs. There are firefighter

dads, police officer dads, teacher dads, mailman dads, and doctor dads!


They're dads who care about kids. They're fun, friendly, and full of smiles!

And, they want to help all kids start their day right: feeling great!


Dozens of Flash Dads go to a different school every month. Their visit is a

surprise! They get to the school early in the morning. As students arrive,

the Flash Dads cheer, clap, and high-five them all the way into class! They

make the kids feel so happy!


It's such a fun way to start the day! The Flash Dads cheer for every kid.

They show up for all kids, not just their own.


The Flash Dads want every student to start the day full of energy and feeling

great! Good job, Flash Dads!


1. cheer 歡呼加油

I'm going to join the Taipei Marathon next year. 我明年要參加台北馬拉松。

Wow! Good for you! 哇,好樣的!

Will you come and cheer for me? 你會來幫我加油嗎?

2. strong 強壯的

I'll be happy to! 我很樂意。

I didn't know you're so strong. 我不知道你那麼強壯。

You don't need to be strong to run in a marathon. 跑馬拉松並不需要很壯。

3. full of 充滿

But you do need a lot of energy. 但是你需要很多力氣。

I am full of energy. 我是精力充沛。

4. police 警察

I used to be traffic police, remember? 我以前是交通警察,記得嗎?

So you needed to chase bad guys? 所以你要追壞人?

No, I needed to blow the whistle. 不,我需要吹哨子。

Let's cheer each other every day!



full of充滿


1. Who goes to a different school every month?

a. The Flash Dads

b. The Fast Dads

c. The Flat Dads

2. What does the team do?

a. Go to school late

b. Clap and high-five

c. Study in class

3. Who does the team show up for?

a. Teachers

b. Their own kids

c. Every kid

1. a

2. b

3. c 


2月英語日廣播-閏月特輯 (2024/02/29)

English Broadcast in February 



A Festival for People Born on Leap Day

Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine... Wait, there are twenty-nine days

this February! Today is a leap day!


Can you wait to have your birthday once every four years? Well, about five

million people around the world were born on a leap day. These people are

called leaplings.

你能等四年才過一次生日嗎? 全世界差不多有500萬人在閏日出生。

After a birthday, leaplings wait for four years for the next one! And they

finally have their birthday this year! They're jumping for joy!


Anthony, a small town in Texas, is the Leap Year Capital of the World. This

American town is having a three-day Leap Year Festival! It starts tonight!

Leaplings from all around the world are going to this big birthday party.


Imagine the sight of fun attractions, the smell and taste of delicious foods,

and the sound of cheerful music. At the Leap Year Festival, there will be

games, food, and live music for everyone!


Today is a very special day, especially in the Leap Year Capital of the

World! Happy Birthday, leaplings! Have a slice or four of birthday cake and

have a fabulous, leap-tastic day!


1. delicious 美味的

Wow, what smells so good? 什麼東西這麼香?

It's my roast chicken.是我的烤雞。

Oh, it must be delicious! 一定很好吃!

2. special 特別的

Yes, it's for a special party tonight. 是為了今晚的特別派對。

You're having the party at home? 在家裡辦派對嗎?

No, at the town hall.不是,是在里民中心。

3. live music 現場音樂

We'll have live music, food and drinks. 我們有現場音樂,食物和飲料。

What is it for? 是為什麼呢?

4. born 出生

For all the people born before 1950. 為了1950年之前出生的人。

I didn't know old people love parties. 我不知道老年人也喜歡派對。

Everyone loves parties.每個人都喜歡派對。

Do you like parties? Let's read the words.



live music現場音樂


1. How long do leaplings wait for their birthdays?

a. One year

b. Four years

c. Eight years

2. Where is the Leap Year Capital of the World?

a. Taipei

b. Tokyo

c. Texas

3. How many days is the Leap Year Festival?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

1. b

2. c

3. c 


3月英語日廣播 (2024/03/28)

English Broadcast in March 




Teenager Becomes Lawyer

Last year, a teenager became famous. Why? He became the youngest lawyer in

California. He was seventeen years old!


Lawyers help people with problems about laws. Laws say what we can and cannot

do. Becoming a lawyer isn't easy. There are a lot of laws to study!


This lawyer says he isn't smarter than other teenagers. But from when he was

a child, he studied a lot. Studying was important in his family. He had to

study for one hour first when he wanted to play for one hour.


He played with cube puzzles. He became very good at them. He played so much

that his hands hurt! In eighth grade, he wrote a book to help other players.


He likes helping people. He wanted a job that lets him do that. Doctors help

people, but he doesn't like blood! He wanted to be a lawyer. So in ninth

grade, he also went to law school!


Now this young man is a lawyer for his city. He does good things for the city

and its people. He loves his job!


1. become 成為

I can never understand why people want to study law.


To become a rich lawyer? 好變成有錢的律師?

2. smart 聰明的

There are many other ways to become rich. 有好多別的方法可以變有錢。

Like what? 比如說什麼?

Like making smart investments.比如說聰明投資。

3. study 研究、用功

How would you know if it's smart? 你怎麼知道那是不是聰明?

I would study it, of course. 當然我會先研究。

4. easy 容易的

Law is boring. 法律很無聊耶。

Making investments can be boring, too. 投資可能也很無聊。

No, it would be easy. 不會,它很簡單。

You stop when you lose money. 你損失錢就停止。

Let's read the vocabulary.





1. What job does this teenager have?

a. Lawyer

b. Doctor

c. Student

2. What was important in his family?

a. Being famous

b. Studying

c. Writing

3. What does he like to do?

a. Read books

b. Help people

c. Go to law school

1. a

2. b

3. b 



English Broadcast in April 

LE SSERAFIM Smart (English Ver.) Lyrics (Color Coded Lyrics)


BLACKPINK Typa Girl Lyrics (블랙핑크 Typa Girl 가사) (Color Coded Lyrics)


ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) 'What Makes You Beautiful (Original by One Direction)' Lyrics [Color Coded_Eng]


A Happy Day for Kids! Yea!

Are you a kid? Congratulations! Today is Children's Day! It's your day! Make

sure to tell your parents that it's Children's Day!

你是兒童嗎?那恭喜你! 今天是兒童節,是你的節日喔!

So what do you want for Children's Day? Do you want a new toy? How about a

new video game?


Well, a new toy or a new video game is cool. It will make you happy… for

about two months. That's right! Scientists say something new makes us happy

for about two or three months. After that, it's nothing special.


If you want something to make you happier every day, there's a way.


Take a bath in the forest. No, no, no … you don't need a bathtub or a towel

or soap. "Forest bathing" is just looking at trees and nature. Scientists say

just a few minutes of forest bathing can make you happier.

洗個森林浴吧! 你不需要浴缸、毛巾或肥皂。Forest bathing


And don't worry if you live in a city. Find a park with some trees and look

at them. Look at nature. Take a deep breath…


Try it! You might like it! Have a happy day every day with forest bathing!


1. bathe 洗澡

I'm so tired! Life is tough! 我好累,人生好苦喔!

I know the answer for you-forest bathing. 我給你的答案是,森林浴。

I'm in Taipei! Where can I find a forest? 我在台北耶,到哪裡找森林?

2. tree 樹木

That's easy. 這很容易。

How about Da-an Forest Park? 大安森林公園怎麼樣?

It has many flowering trees.它有很多會開花的樹。

Like what? 比如說什麼樹?

Like Yulan magnolia.比如說玉蘭花。

3. take a deep breath 深呼吸

It's the right season for it.現在就是季節。

Take deep breaths when you're there.你在那裏要深呼吸。

So it smells good? 所以它很好聞?

It smells very good! 很好聞。

Have you ever walked in a forest? 來一起讀單字。



take a deep breath深呼吸

1. How long do new things make us happy?

a. Two or three minutes

b. Two or three months

c. Two or three years

2. What is "forest bathing"?

a. Bathing outside

b. Looking at nature

c. Washing trees

3. How does "forest bathing" make people feel?

a. Hungry

b. Tired

c. Happy

1. b

2. b

3. c



English Broadcast in May

Riley Roth - When God Made You My Mother (Lyrics)


Benson Boone - In The Stars (Lyrics)


Taylor Swift - The Best Day (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


Do More Things by Yourself!

Sunday is Mother's Day! Let's talk about moms... and kids!

這星期日是母親節! 我們來談談媽媽跟小孩!

A movie star in the U.S. has three kids. When her kids have problems, she

doesn't always help them.


Kid: Mommy, I dropped my toy! Waaaah!

Mom: Honey, pick that up by yourself.

Kid: Mommy, I can't find my pencil! Waaaah!

Mom: Sweetie, look for it yourself.


Is this movie star a good mom? Scientists say yes, she is! If you're not a

baby, you can learn how to do some things by yourself!



Moms usually run to help when kids have problems. But scientists say moms can

let kids take care of some problems by themselves.


You don't always need to say, "Mommy!!!! Help me!!!" You're not a baby, right?


Moms work so hard every day. That's why they have a special day: Mother's

Day! You can show your mom how much you love her. How? You can do more things

by yourself!


On Sunday, you can say "Happy Mother's Day" to your mom by yourself! Let's

all try now. Are you ready? One, two, three... Happy Mother's Day!


1. look for 尋找

Did you buy these? 這些是你買的?

Yeah, anything wrong? 對,有什麼不對嗎?

There's too much sugar in them. 這些含有太多糖了。

You need to look for better snacks. 你需要找比較健康的點心。

2. always總是

I can't do that by myself. 我自己沒辦法那樣。

Why not? 怎麼沒辦法?

Because I'm always attracted to sweet stuff. 因為我總是被甜食吸引。

3. yourself你自己

It's not that hard. 沒有那麼難。

Just tell yourself, "I can do this. Yes, I can!" 只要告訴自己,「我可以的!


4. try 嘗試

Come to the store with me next time.下次跟我一起去店裡。

No, no. Try to do it yourself. 不了,你試試看自己做。


look for尋找




1. Who helps when you're doing things by yourself?

a. Nobody

b. Mom

c. Dad

2. How often do kids need to ask for help?

a. Always

b. Sometimes

c. Never

3. What day is Sunday?

a. Kids' Day

b. A sunny day

c. Mother's Day

1. a

2. b

3. c

6月英語日廣播-端午節特輯 (2024/06/06)

English Broadcast in June

Alex Warren - Chasing Shadows


Valentina Ploy - I Miss My Friends (feat. Phum Viphurit) 


Benson Boone - Little Runaway


Dragon Boat Racing in Alabama, USA!

Huh? What's that sound? That's right. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival!

那是什麼聲音? 今天是端午節!

That sound is a drum. The drum helps the people racing in a dragon boat.

Those people are paddlers. They use paddles to move the boat. They paddle by

listening to the drum on their boat.


But this isn't in Taipei. Taichung? Nope. Kaohsiung? Nope. Yilan, Hualien,

Pingtung, Hsinchu, or Penghu? Nope, nope, nope, nope, and nope!



This is in the USA! This state is Alabama. People in Alabama are racing

dragon boats! That's really cool.


Now many people in Alabama think racing dragon boats is fun and cool! That's

great, right? People all around the world are enjoying the dragon boat

festival like we do in Taiwan.


Today, people everywhere will be watching dragon boat races, balancing eggs

for luck, and eating tasty zongzi! … Oof, I think I've eaten enough zongzi

for one day … Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone! 端午節快樂!


1. people 人們

Somebody is playing drums.有人在打鼓。

Not somebody. It's a whole bunch of people playing.不是一個人,是一群人在打。

2. sound 聲音

The sound is coming from the school next door. 這個聲音是從隔壁學校傳來的。

Oh, so it's probably a class. 所以那些人也許在上課。

3. drum 鼓

Yeah, they are playing African drums. 沒錯,他們在打非洲鼓。

You know how to play? 你也會嗎?

Yeah, I took classes for a while.對,我以前上過一陣子課。

4. fun 樂趣

Did you have fun? 覺得好玩嗎?

I did. I had lots of fun. 好玩,很好玩。

The best thing was I played drums on a boat! 最好的是我在船上打鼓。






1. Where is this dragon boat race?

a. Penghu

b. China

c. Alabama

2. What moves the boats?

a. Paddles

b. Dragons

c. Aliens

3. What do the paddlers listen to?

a. People in Alabama

b. Elephants at the festival

c. The drum on their boat

1. c

2. a

3. c