Vocabulary Fluency Assignment 

Vocabulary Fluency Sentences

Chapter 3 Vocabulary Fluency Definitions and Sentences

Word 1: Realize 

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.): 



Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

_______Many workers realized they could earn more money in the United States then could in their home country ___________________________________________________________________




Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  


_______cause , something desired or anticipated to happen ___________________________________________________________       


Synonym (other word with similar meaning)


_______understand , notice_______________________________________________________                                     


Create new sentence with vocab word


________I realize that the semester will end next month ____________________________________________________________________



Word 2. Remain

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.): 



Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

___the workers who remained in the states often became migratory workers . they had to move around as different crops same into season _______________________________________________________________________




Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  


__________continue to exist , stay in the place ________________________________________________________       


Synonym (other word with similar meaning)


_________delay , go on , endure _____________________________________________________                                     


Create new sentence with vocab word


_______she remains the secret I told her ._____________________________________________________________________




Word 3. Improve

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.): 



Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

_______A few Mexican workers tried to organize strikes and protests during the repression , but they did not succeed in improving working or living conditions ___________________________________________________________________




Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  


________achieve or produce something better . develop or increase in mental capacity by education __________________________________________________________       


Synonym (other word with similar meaning)


________better , upgrade , enhance ______________________________________________________                                     


Create new sentence with vocab word


________I studied hard to improve in my math test ____________________________________________________________________




Word 4. Succeed

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.): 



Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

_______A few Mexican workers tried to organize strikes and protests during the repression , but they did not succeed in improving working or living conditions ___________________________________________________________________




Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  


_______achieve the desired aim or result ___________________________________________________________       


Synonym (other word with similar meaning)


_______be successful , do well _______________________________________________________                                     


Create new sentence with vocab word


______Most people give up just when they are about to achieve success ______________________________________________________________________



Word 5. Intervene

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.): 



Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

_________not in the text_________________________________________________________________




Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  


__________To come between in order to stop , settle , or change ________________________________________________________       


Synonym (other word with similar meaning)


______get involved______________________________________________________                                     


Create new sentence with vocab word


_______The military had to intervene to restore order ____________________________________________________________________




Word 6. Emerge 

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.): 



Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

______________not in the text____________________________________________________________




Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  


________move out of or away from something and come into view __________________________________________________________       


Synonym (other word with similar meaning)


_______apper , come out_______________________________________________________                                     


Create new sentence with vocab word


___________the swimmer emerged from the lake _________________________________________________________________



vocabulary words added to unit 2

What is the root word of endured? Endure (still a verb)

Meaning: To tolerate a troubled situation. Suffering something difficult. Something painful or suffering with patience. 

Original sentence:

What is the root word? Force (noun)

Meaning: Pressure, involuntary act of doing something.

Original Sentence: I was forced to relocate to another city for work. 

What is the root word? Damp can be adjective, noun or verb

What is the meaning? Moisturized area; slightly wet; wet;

Original sentence: When the weather is rainy, my apartment gets damp (adjective).
She took a shower and her hair was still damp (adjective). She tried to damp down (verb) her feelings of despair.  

When he was arrested by the police and put in prison, he was feeling damp ( there.

Old-adjective houses(noun phrase)  feel (verb) damp (noun). 

What is the root word: Crawl

What is the meaning? Move slowly on hands and on knees; 

Original sentence: He reduced his speed to a crawl (noun)

They began to crawl (verb) to their own lines.

Root word: trend

What is the meaning? A change or development in a general direction; a shift in cultural practices

Original sentence: Dying hair is one of the most popular trends (noun). 

I went to vote last night, and the trend process was slow.