Student Resources

You are not alone!

I know it's frustrating when you need help and feel alone. Although you are learning online, I am here for you! Provided that you maintain close contact with me throughout the course, I will do my best to use my experience to support you. I will strive to anticipate when and where you will need our help and provide meaningful feedback in a timely manner.

Do you have a technology question? Check the canvas module student resources tab.

In this course, you are going to be asked to work with technology, and, well, technology doesn't always work the way we think it should! To stay sane, and keep your friends, family, and colleagues sane, you will need to develop a balanced approach to technology frustration. The keyword is balanced. Here is the two-pronged approach to balancing technical woes:

  1. Have grit. Google it, watch YouTube videos, and get to know your Canvas Guides. Learning how to find and use tech resources will save you so much time and frustration. Solving a problem on your own is empowering and it also establishes confidence that you can draw upon the next time you encounter a problem.

  2. Ask for help. Don't try so hard to figure it out yourself that you end up frustrated. When you feel your blood pressure rise or begin yelling at your computer, that means it's time to take a deep breath and contact me. We'll figure it out together. :)

Need Canvas help?

  • For technical difficulties with Canvas, select "Help" in the Canvas Global Navigation menu.

  • Questions, problems, or comments concerning SacLink should be directed to the SacLink Help Desk in ARC, Room 3005, 916-278-7337, or

Student Support Services:

If you have a disability and require accommodations, you need to provide disability information to SSWD, Lassen Hall 1008, (916) 278-6955. Please discuss your accommodation with me after class or during my office hours in the first two weeks of the semester.

  1. Services to Students with Disability (SSWD)
    “Sacramento State is committed to ensuring an accessible learning environment where course
    or instructional content are usable by all students and faculty. If you believe that you require
    disability-related academic adjustments for this class, please immediately contact Services for
    Students with Disabilities (SSWD) to discuss eligibility. A current accommodation letter from
    SSWD is required before any modifications, above and beyond what is otherwise available for all
    other students in this class will be provided.”

  2. Student Health and Counseling Services
    “Your physical and mental health are important to your success as a college student. Student
    Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) in The WELL offers medical, counseling, and wellness
    services to help you get and stay healthy during your time at Sac State. SHCS offers: Primary
    Care medical services, including sexual and reproductive healthcare, transgender care, and
    immunizations; urgent care for acute illness, injuries, and urgent counseling needs; pharmacy
    for prescriptions and over-the-counter products; mental health counseling, including individual
    sessions, group counseling, support groups, mindfulness training, and peer counseling; athletic
    training for sports injury rehabilitation; wellness services, including nutrition counseling, peerled
    health education and wellness workshops, and free safer sex supplies; violence and sexual
    assault support services. Most services are covered by the Health Services fee and available at
    no additional cost.”

  3. Crisis Assistance & Resource Education Support (CARES)
    “If you are experiencing challenges with food, housing, financial or other unique circumstances
    that are impacting your education, help is just a phone call or email away. The CARES office
    provides case management support for any enrolled student.

Other Campus Resources

- Academic Advising, Lassen Hall 1012, (916) 278-6351, Academic Advising

- The Well, 2nd floor, 1-800-273- TALK (8255) for Counseling and Psychological Services

- Equal Opportunity, (916) 278-5770 Click here

- Multi-Cultural Center, Library 1010 (next to Java City), (916) 278-6101 Click here

- Sac State Library Click here

- Sac State Library Reserve Book Room (916) 278-6876 Click here

- Services to Students with Disabilities, (916) 278-6955 (Voice); (916) 278-7239 (TTY)

- Student Computing Lab Click here

- Student Health Services, Student Health Center. 916-278-5422 Click here

- University Writing Center, Calaveras Hall 128, (916) 278-6356 Click here

  • Women’s Resource Center, Lassen Hall 3005, (916) 278-7388 Click here

  • Violence and Sexual Assault, Student Health Center, Room 215, (916) 278-6461 Click here

Resources for ENGL5 Students

The following information is for you to consider. It is by no means complete or perfect. If you have any questions regarding the following services, please ask me and I will do my best to direct you to someone who can help you.

Writing Center

I encourage you to visit the Writing Center (Calaveras 128) for more info click here:

Reading and Writing Center Services


A centralized location, in Lassen Hall, of support where students are united for common goals of excellence and student success through peer-led and student-driven services. PARC is the home of the Workshops and Individual Tutoring program (WIT) and a Peer-Led Advising for a College Experiences (PLACE) program, which can help students successfully navigate the demands of our academic community. For more info click here: Sac State PARC