Submitting your Videos for Captioning

How to Submit your Videos

Below you'll find instructions for how to submit your videos to the captioning team. Please use the Google Sheet shared by your captioning team for the submission of your videos.

Please do not submit videos that:

  • Are primarily in foreign language

  • Have no sound (i.e. silent films), or contain only instrumental music with no-lyrics

  • Are one-time or limited-use videos

  • Videos with a risk of being pulled from YouTube for copyright violation

If you use a video in multiple courses, please only submit it once. We ask that you make every attempt to submit your videos for an entire course at the same time, rather than week by week. You may submit videos for multiple courses at the same time if you wish.

Below you'll find instructions for:

  • Submitting video files (mp4, mov, avi, etc.) you posses via Google Drive

  • Submitting links to videos on public sites such as YouTube or Vimeo

  • Submitting videos you have stored in 3CMedia

  • Submitting videos you have stored in Canvas Studio

Submitting Video Files via Google Drive

If you have copies of your video files on a local drive or stored in the cloud, the easiest way to submit those files is to place them in a shared Google Folder. You will place a link to that folder within the Google Sheet provided to you by the captioning team.

If you have not already filled out your captioning request form, please do so now. The blank spreadsheet will be provided for you after you have filled out this form.

The video below (1:58) provides instructions for placing your files in a Google Folder and sharing that folder.

If you have video files stored in 3CMedia or Canvas Studio, but do no have those files on a personal drive, please scroll further down this page for instruction on how to handle those.

Submitting Videos on Public Sites (YouTube)

If you are using publicly hosted videos that need caption remediation, you will submit links to those videos via a spreadsheet you'll receive from our captioning team. The process for submitting those links is described in the video (2:39) below. If you're not sure if these videos need remediating, please see our "Identifying videos in need of captioning" page.

Submitting Videos Housed in 3CMedia

If copies of your videos files are stored in 3CMedia, you have two options. You can:

  • Go to your 3CMedia account, retrieve a link to the appropriate video, and submit that link to the captioning team, or

  • Download copies of those files from your 3CMedia account and share those files via a Google Folder as described in video at the top of this page.

Both methods for sharing your 3CMedia videos are demonstrated in the video below (1:59).

Submitting Videos Housed in Canvas Studio

If copies of your videos are stored in Canvas Studio, you will need to download those video files from Studio and share them via a Google Folder as described in the tutorial at the top of this page.

The video below (0:39) shows you how to download your Studio Videos.

Submitting Videos from a Personal YouTube Account

If you have your own YouTube account, the choice is yours on how to submit your videos. You can either provide copies of the original video files as shown in the Google Drive demonstration above. Or, you can submit the urls for the video as demonstrated in the "Submitting Videos on Public Sites" tutorial.

Other Scenarios

It's possible you have a situation not addressed in the videos above. If this is the case, our captioning team will work with you one-on-one. If you have not done so already, please fill out this form and describe your situation there. Someone from our team will contact you soon.