High School
Course Catalog
Welcome to the interactive course catalog for high school students in the St. Cloud Area School District. We are excited to introduce you to a user-friendly, engaging and adaptive class registration experience.
Navigating the course catalog is as easy as a click away. You can check your graduation requirements, elective options by grade, and career and college pathways with a single click.
All electives by grade are hyperlinked for easy exploration. Music and visual arts classes are found under Fine Arts. Business and Computer Sciences are subdivided into Business Management and Administration or Information Technology courses. Similarly, Technology Education is broken out into specific course pathways. Clicking into any category will lead you to specific offerings. (Tip: use the blue button as a shortcut.)
Another element highlighted in the course catalog is our Career and College Academies. Within academies, students will discover and explore their interests and become equipped with the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary to successfully complete post-secondary training, resulting in a career path of their choice. This year’s 10th graders (registering for 11th grade) are encouraged to explore and choose an academy of interest:
· BECA – Business, Entrepreneurship, Communication and Arts
· HHH – Health, Human Services and Hospitality
· MENR – Manufacturing, Engineering and Natural Resources
Students may explore their options by registering for foundational pathway classes or electives.
Finally, while exploring this interactive course catalog, why not try something new? How about a world language? Music class? Culinary arts? Robotics? Or law class? Following your curiosity and passion can ultimately lead to a satisfying future career.
As you participate in this interactive experience, you will find that your course choices better align with a career and college pathway. Yet be assured, no pathway is poured in concrete; you can always change direction. This interactive course catalog is designed to help you best prepare for your post-high school hopes and ambitions.
If you have any questions, please contact your principal or one of us.
Laurie Putnam Jason Harris
Superintendent Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education