To build community and understanding, this year I would like to invite families to a series of "Family Chats" on topics important and relevant to you and our educational staff at Clearview. The first chat will take place on Monday, October 28 at 5pm on "Positive Student Support". Families are invited to attend in the school library, or join the online stream. Save the date with more information coming next week!

Unity Day promotes inclusion, belonging and anti-bullying

Read books, sing songs, or have a discussion

WEAR orange & black for Unity Day

◦Additional resources:  PACER  &

We have lots of great events coming up! For this Wednesday's Unity Day, let's have an ORANGE OUT!

Favorite Story Character, Oct. 31

Dress in RED, WHITE, and BLUE!


We are still looking for caregivers, parents, and grandparents to get involved!

Fill out this volunteer survey 

¡Todavía estamos buscando cuidadores, padres y abuelos que participen!

Complete esta encuesta para voluntarios

Wednesday, October 16 - Unity Day

Thursday-Friday, October 17-18 - MEA Break - NO SCHOOL FOR ALL

Thursday, October 31 - Walkathon and Dress Like You Favorite Story Character

Coming in November!

Tuesday, November 5 - Picture Retake Day

Friday, November 8 - students dismissed at 12:05pm (Early Out)

November 14 and 19 - Fall Conferences