
Notability is our digital notebook and binder. Student will do assignments and take notes using Notability.

Click on the video for an explanation of Notability.

Back Up Notability

Don't lose your notes - Back up Notability every week or so.

Click on the video to the left to see how to make sure it's backing up.

7th Grade Digital Organization

Organize Notability

Take a look at these slides and video to help you organize Notability.

Renaming a Note File

Notability renaming a Note file

Notability is "Glitching"

Make sure to back up Notability and then reinstall it in Self-service. If it continues to be glitchy, words disappear, etc., delete the Notability app and reinstall it. BUT BE SURE TO BACK UP NOTABILITY FIRST. That way you won't lose all of your notes, because you will have a 2nd copy of everything in your Google Drive.