Hi, I'm Aryo, an Early Career Scientist

Spatial Analyst | Climatologist | Ecologist | Forest Watcher

Senior Associate at Rainforest Alliance-Indonesia

PhD in Conservation Biodivesity at IPB University, Indonesia

Master of Science at IPB University, Indonesia

Bachelor of Science at IPB University, Indonesia

Selected work (On going)

Impacts of Climate and Land Use Changes

on The Tropical Biodiversity

(IPB University | 2018 - 2022)

Leveraging Planet NICFI and Sentinel 2A Imageries for High-Resolution Land Cover Dataset

(Ford Foundation-FWI | 2021-2022)

Selected work (Finished)

National Strategic Commodity Mapping

(UNDP-IPB University | 2019 - 2021)

Papua Bioregion: Forests and Its People

(RFN-FWI | 2019)

Food Resilience Under Changing Climate Towards Local Community in Aru Archipelago

(RFN-FWI | 2021)

Indicative of Essential Ecosystem Mapping

(USAID Bijak-FWI | 2018 - 2019)

Disease Emergence and Economic Evaluation of Altered Landscape

(USAID-Indohun | 2017-2018)

Drones Utilization for Biodiversity Monitoring in Tropical Ecosystem, Indonesia

(UNDP-IPB University | 2019 - 2021)

Areas of Interest

Ecological Niche Modelling

Exploring correlative modelling to estimate tropical biodiversity distribution and evaluate its alterations due to climate and habitat changes

Global Climate Models

Using Global Climate Modelling from worldwide to evaluate future dynamics of the tropical environments (e.g., species ranges, climate change metrics) based on Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) and Shared Socio-economics Pathways (SSP)

Machine Learning

Dealing with object identification (e.g., land cover, earth surface objects, as well as generate probability of occurrence from the objects) using various algorithms such as Random Forest, Surface Vector Machine, Maximum Entropy, and many more

Geospatial Analysis

Passionate to explore and perform image analysis, spatial analyst particularly for environmental assessment and management

Get in touch at aacondro@gmail.com