
Welcome to the Fluvanna County Band Boosters page!

The Fluvanna County Band Boosters are a volunteer organization whose purpose is to promote the educational and performance-associated activities of the Fluvanna County band students and instrumental music programs.

We aim to provide financial support through fundraising, encourage students to strive for excellence, develop band spirit among students and our community, and provide organizational support for associated activities. We believe that a great music program develops the academic, physical, and creative gifts of our students and that every Fluvanna County band student who wants to participate in the band program will be able to do so without consideration of abilities or family finances.

Message from the Director

Thank you for visiting our band boosters page! I would like to encourage all families to get involved to help support your students' music education. The boosters program is not just for the marching band! As an organization, we support all band activities from grades 5-12, including concert band groups, winter programs, honor ensemble auditions, and more! Money raised through our many fundraisers helps fund needs including instrument repair and purchase, lowering the cost of annual spring trips, buying new music for our concert band programs, and yes, designs costs for the marching band show. We are almost always planning or participating in some sort of fundraiser, so please help us by donating your time. 

You can support us by volunteering (see opportunities below), coming to our monthly parent meetings, and even serving a role on our executive board! Monthly boosters meetings for the 2022-2023 school year will default to being held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month!

-Mr. Campbell

Volunteer opportunities - sign up using the sign-up genius links below

Band events and Fundraising!

 All volunteers for school affilliated events must fill out the Volunteer Application!  This must be done for each academic year.  Click here to find a link to the application. Email the completed application to Dr Stribling.  Email: 

Marching Band season volunteer activities 

Concessions Stand at Football Games: Sign-up genius link for concessions. The marching band runs a concession stand on the Visitor side of the football stadium. We typically provide food and drinks (grilled burgers and hotdogs and candy/snacks along with an assortment of beverages). The concessions stand needs a minimum of 4 volunteers to run smoothly, although we usually have 5 or 6 at any given game. Different tasks include grilling, assembling the burgers/dogs and wrapping them, sales, and helping to clean up after.

Dinners for Students at Home Football Games: Sign-up genius link for pizza.The marching band stays after school on Fridays that we have a home football game. Pizza (ordered from Dominos) is an option for the students to order ahead of time through a form the director distributes. One volunteer coordinates the ordering of the pizzas earlier in the day for delivery to the school cafeteria. Two or three volunteers are needed to help distribute the pizza. Once the meal is finished, volunteers, with help from the students, ensure that the cafeteria space they used is left clean and tidy. 

Pit Crew: Sign-up genius link for FB game pit crew. The pit crew assists the Marching Band Front Ensemble in moving the equipment to the performance area and setting up in a time sensitive manner. This is needed at Football Games as well as Marching Band Competitions (see chaperones below). This activity involves pushing and pulling equipment.

Chaperones: Sign-up genius link for chaperones/drivers. (Please note there is 1 link for both drivers and chaperones) The bands take trips either to marching band competitions, band assessments or a band trip (sometimes overnight), and chaperones are always needed for these trips. A chaperone helps take roll on the bus, supervises students when necessary, manages the health forms and first aid kit, and generally offers a support presence to the Band Director. Chaperones for marching band competitions also perform Pit Crew (see above) responsibilities and assist with moving equipment for the front ensemble. For Marching Band Competitions, wear comfortable closed toe shoes and be prepared to do a lot of walking and pushing/pulling/lifting. The venue will often provide motorized carts/trailers to assist, but there are usually pieces that need to be moved individually.  Students are to take ownership of the organization and coordination of set up.  The pit crew provides the “muscle and leg work”, and oversees the safety of the students.

Drivers to pull the Band Trailer to Marching Band Competitions: Sign-up genius link for chaperones/drivers. (Please note there is 1 link for both drivers and chaperones). The Marching Flucos have 2 enclosed cargo trailers for transporting equipment and instruments (the largest is 6’ X 12’). Volunteer drivers are needed to pull trailers to competitions.  Drivers may bring a personal vehicle (truck/SUV) with a towing package (2” ball and 4 pin plug), OR register with the Fluco transportation team to drive a district vehicle to pull the trailers. Drivers serve as Pit Crew (see above) together with the chaperones.  Registration/authorization to drive district vehicles involves filling out a DMV transcript release, a physical with drug screen and TB screen, and training on hook-up and towing. 

Meeting Minutes and recordings - Click here 

Band Booster Constitution and Bylaws - Click here to view