Fairmont Elementary School Library

Media Center

Thank you for visiting!

Here at the Library/Media Center you will find a collection of learning resources specifically designed for you as a student, staff, or community member.

To search our library's catalog, visit:

To take an AR book test, visit:

To Use Pebble go, visit:

To use Pebble Go Next, visit:

If the link does not automatically log you into the content, simply type in "cards" as the username and "cards" as the password and you'll be on your way!

To read ebooks, visit:

If the link does not automatically log you into the content, simply type in "fivelakes as the username and "books" as the password and you'll be on your way!

To use brain pop, visit:

If the link does not automatically log you into the content, simply type in "fivelakes as the username and "abcd" as the password and you'll be on your way!