Beginning Orchestra

This orchestra is primarily for fifth grade students. Beginning orchestra performs two concerts and one recital each year. A thirty minute lesson is given to each student on a weekly basis.

Rehearsal Schedule

5th grade orchestra rehearses every afternoon during the school day


Instruments can be rented through Music Mart based in Mankato. They can be reached at 800-882-2896.

How to rent from Music Mart

Please try to avoid purchasing instruments from eBay, Craigslist, or other sellers without a professional opinion/trial period. It is best to wait until your child is fully grown before making the choice to purchase an instrument.

Supplementary Materials

All students will need rosin, a cleaning cloth, and a "Essential Elements for Strings Book 1" method book.

Violinists and violists need a shoulder rest.

Cellists and bassists need rock stops.


Financial assistance for instruments and supplies is available for those in need. Please contact for more information.