Mr. Wille


My name is Brian Wille and this will be my ninth year teaching in Fairmont at the Jr/Sr High School.  This year, I will be teaching CIS/AP World History and World History, along with a Servant Leadership course.  On this page you will find links to my class Schoology page, which will house all class materials (Syllabus, assignments, announcements, study materials, etc.), as well as my class schedule, contact information, and credentials.  When checking your child's progress in Skyward, please note the following weights that are used to produce your child's course grade: 100% of the grade comes from Summative Unit Assessments (EXCEPTION: CIS WORLD HISTORY STUDENTS. SEE SYLLABUS FOR DETAILS). Daily course activities such as quizzes, in-class essays, worksheets, etc. will be assigned to students and are expected to be completed in order to support the student in developing the skills & content necessary to perform well on the summative assessment. The feedback they receive on this work will aid in their growth and understanding and where they are at in the learning process, making completion of this work essential. Additionally, if your child notes an asterisk in Skyward for a given assignment, it is communicating that your child is missing that assignment and has until the end of that particular unit to make it up for full credit.  For further explanation of my classroom policies, please consult the corresponding course syllabus below.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me any time at the contact information listed below.  I look forward to working with you and your child this upcoming school year! 

******FOR ALL E-LEARNING MATERIALS, GO TO OUR CLASS SCHOOLOGY PAGE BY CLICKING HERE AND LOGGING IN WITH YOUR RESPECTIVE LOG-IN CREDENTIALS. THERE YOU WILL FIND A CALENDAR WITH EXPECTATIONS, DIRECTIONS, RESOURCES, AND ASSIGNMENTS. For Parents/Guardians, you may view the tentative weekly schedule for your child's class directly below the E-Learning Schedules Section. If a parent would like a parental code to their child's Schoology account, please email me.******


Weekly Schedule
Weekly Schedule

Contact information


Phone number: 507-235-4148

Classroom: E131

​Best time to call: Between 3:15-3:30 PM  


Syllabus, class assignments, announcements, topic/assignment schedule, notes, and all other information will be conducted/located on the Schoology website link listed below.  All missing assignments or information missed due to an absence can be found here.  A copy of the syllabus for each course is also linked below.  Students will need their login information (provided in class) to access all information necessary.  If parents would like their child's login information, please email me and I would be glad to share it with you.


CIS World History Syllabus Fall 2021

CIS Fall Syllabus

CIS World History Syllabus Spring 2K20

CIS Spring Syllabus

11th Grade World History Syllabus

World History 11

Core Learning Goals For World History and CIS World History

CIS World History & World History

Create an interpretation of World History that is personal, meaningful, and transferable to present day affairs.