Class Information

Class Description:

General Music is an exploratory class which gives students an introduction exploring and creating music. Our goal is to build a lifelong appreciation and understanding of music and develop the basic skills necessary to continue musicality outside the classroom.

Curriculum Content:

This course is based off the Illinois Arts Learning Standards Initiative. Our basic standards are based off of creating, performing, responding, and connecting. A few examples of what we will be learning in this classroom include: Musical Composition, Ukuleles, artist research (6th grade), and music technology.

Class Materials:

Students are responsible for bringing:

-A pencil or erasable pen


-Headphones (on announced days)

-7 Gold only: A spiral notebook (will be left in the classroom)

Class Evaluation:

Grades for this course will be based off unit projects/assessments, music journal, classwork, and daily participation/effort.

Late/Absent Work:

Homework is only given if students do not finish assigned work during class time. I will accept late work, however, one point will be taken off for every day the assignment is late. If you are absent, you have 2 days to make up the assignment. *If it is a large project, you will need to be responsible and make arrangements with Miss Roseland if 2 days will not be sufficient.

Classroom Expectations:

Respect Yourself: Be honest, set goals, do your best, be prepared, have a positive attitude, participate in all activities

Respect Others: Be understanding, work together, wait your turn, be kind, listen, stay on task, allow others to learn

Respect the School: Be safe, treat equipment and instruments appropriately , pick up after yourself, follow the school rules listed in the student handbook.