Frequently asked questions
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How do I know if I am eligible for a short call substitute license?
A minimum of a bachelor's degree is required to apply for a short-call license through the state's licensing agency, Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB). For more information, visit:
Do I need to take the SubSkill Online STEDI Training?
Osseo Area Schools requires substitute teachers holding short-call licenses to complete the online training and assessment with a composite score of 85%. The district offers free online training for new substitute teachers. This training takes approximately 8 - 10 hours and should be completed within 30 days of hire.
Please contact Anita Yang at if you have any questions.
What are the qualifications and payrate for subtitutes teachers?
Refer to the Substitute teachers page.
What are the qualifications and payrates for non-teacher subtitute positions such as ESP, Nutrition Services, Nurse?
Refer to the Additional opportunities page.