Home Learning Resources

Hello Fair Oaks students and families! Here are some resources that our fabulous Fair Oaks staff has put together to help you continue your learning at home. We will keep adding as we find more!


Sit tall or stand up.

Plant your feet on the floor.

Bring your hands to your heart, breathe in and lift your arms over your head.

Breathe out slowly and bring your arms down.

Let's try that for 3-5 breaths.

Take one more slow deep volcano breath and release it.

We encourage all of us to start our day with some volcano breathing. It will help us wake up, let go of stress and focus. Whatever challenges we face, we can use our breathing to connect us as Fair Oaks Family! Be safe, be kind to yourself and one breath at a time.

Your mindful team,

Sarah Pinkerton, Jana Vaughan & Cynthia Wilson

Click here to access the District 279 Flex Learning Boards