Week 7


This week, I want you to have some fun with bubbles! These activities would work best outside, or in the bathtub to reduce some mess! You can pick either bubble making device or try both! If you don't have a bubble solution, the Bubble Wand video starts off with a recipe. I included another recipe at the bottom of the page.

Giant Bubble Wand

Bubble Snake Maker

Homemade Bubbles Recipe


  • 4 cups warm water
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup dish soap


Step #1. Whisk the sugar and water.

Whisk the sugar into the warm water until the sugar dissolves.

Step #2. Whisk in the soap.

Add the dish soap and whisk to combine.

Step #3. Let sit.

This step is only if you have some patience or think to make the solution ahead of time. Letting the homemade bubbles sit for a couple of hours or even overnight helps them work a bit better, but is not strictly necessary.