Program Overview

The Library/Media Center's goals are to:

  • promote a love of reading,
  • assist Highland Elementary students in becoming effective users of ideas and information, which means they can access, process, and communicate from all types of media,
  • and encourage lifelong learning.

We promote these goals by:

  • providing a wide variety of print, non-print and electronic resources.
  • running a student-friendly library. Highland's library is run by two professional staff members and many dedicated volunteers.
  • integrating technology for educational objectives.
  • teaching lifelong skills such as library location skills (print and electronic), the research process, understanding media messages, literature appreciation, and the responsible use of technology.

Individual students are welcome in the library for browsing, checking out books, using the computers, and doing research any time of the day with teacher permission.

Students also come with their classes to the media center on their library day(s). Please see the library schedule to know what day(s) your child has library.

  • Students in grades K, 1, and 2 come for 25 minute classes twice during each cycle (5 day cycle).
    • Students will hear a story, and have a library skill lesson/activity each class. Please see the library schedule for your child's checkout day.
  • Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 come for 50 minutes during each cycle (4 day cycle).
    • Students will hear a story, have a library skill lesson/activity and checkout time each cycle. Please see the library schedule for your child's checkout day.

All students can check out new books on any day, not just on their scheduled library day. it is important to us that each student always has something to read. If you have any questions concerning books, due dates, book recommendations, or other library topics, please feel free to e-mail Mrs Benson.