Dakota United Summer Sports Camp

Camp is held the last full week of June (Check Community Ed for Updates)

Contact Brett Kosidowski (brett.kosidowski@district196.org)

A note from Coach Kosidowski:

CI SPORTS CAMP (GRADES 3-12): This camp is for all returning and new Dakota Hawk players eligible for CI division competition. Skill development and competitive play for soccer, floor hockey and softball will be the main emphasis. New Hawks (grades 4-6) are encouraged to attend to learn rules, develop skills and make friendships prior to participating in seventh grade. Returning Hawks (grades 7-12) are encouraged to attend to continue developing skills and work on competitive game play. Hawk Alumni are always welcome!

CI Sports Camp participants should register for CI HAWKS

Here is the link to your registration page:  https://tce.me/iEvDCz


PI Hawks 1-2:30 PM (Students with Physical Impairments)

CI Hawks 2:30-4 PM (Students with Cognitive Impairments)

 Please feel free to email me with questions for concerns.  brett.kosidowski@district196.org

Go Hawks!