Welcome to 5th Grade Band @ Deerwood & Glacier Hills School of Arts & Science!

Hello! I am Susan Smith, and I am the Band Teacher at Deerwood & Glacier Hills School of Arts and Science. 5th Grade Band is an incredible opportunity for students at our schools to build brain cells, make new friends, and experience the power of music and synergy! 

The 5th Grade Instrumental Music Program is a year-long, performance course.   The band curriculum provides large group (full band rehearsal) and small group (lesson) instruction. Students perform two concerts each year and have the opportunity to participate in small ensemble. 

Go up to the purple area on the top of this site and click on: Band Sign-Up Information 

I believe every child should participate in instrumental music. I work with all band students at all ability levels and use multiple decoding methods to reach all learners to help them read music, play their instrument, listen and work cooperatively with other musicians, and to use music as a tool for expression. Now more than ever, our students need positive emotional outlets along with nurturing their creative potentials. When musicians play their instruments, they are able to express themselves far more powerfully than using other forms of communication and when they combine that experience and join their music performing within a group of musicians, the experience becomes ever more powerful as they learn a new and deeper way to interact with others and a new understanding and love for music from differing cultures around the world. Expanding their creativity in the process, benefits every child's future, both personally and in all career paths. I encourage you to sign your child up for band if you have not already and help nurture your child's musical creativity, potential for expression, growth in perseverence and teamwork, and expanded opportunities and life experiences for years to come.

If you have any questions for me, I can be reached at susan.smith@district196.org. I look forward to working with your child!

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.   -Plato

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.                  -Victor Hugo

The Greeks said that music and astronomy were two sides of the same coin. Astronomy was seen as the study of relationships between observable, permanent, external objects, and music was seen as the study of relationships between invisible, internal, hidden objects.    -Karl Paulnack

In her new book Mathematics and Art, historian Lyn Gamwell explores how artists have for thousands of years used mathematical concepts - such as infinity, number and form - in their work. Here she choses ten stunning images from her book that reveal connections between maths and art.

A lot can happen with 10 minutes of musical practice a day. Self-disciplined, compassionate, responsible, collaborative, confidant, and proud. These are all characteristics of children who play musical instruments. What's more, the benefits of music education reach far beyond the lesson and well into all aspects of adulthood.This book will help your child reap the rewards of opening that case; together, you will learn what music can teach:* Every child is naturally talented.* Consistent practice is the key to success.* Parents and music educators are partners in the learning process.*


Learning to play a musical instrument has been associated with various cognitive benefits, and several studies have explored the positive effects on the brain. Here are some key findings from relevant research: