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Religion Research

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Domain: .edu and .org are the best

Authority: Who wrote it? Are they reliable? Are they an expert?

Date: When was it written?

Accuracy: Do they provide sources? Does the information match information you've found in other sources?

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Citing Websites

7 things, each separated by a period:

  • Author (Last Name, First Name)
  • Title of the Article in quotes
  • Name of the Website in italics
  • Publisher of the Website (might be the same as the name of the website)
  • Date Published (Day Month Year)
  • Web Address URL
  • Date Accessed (Today's Date as Day Month Year)


"Islam." Religious Literacy Project. Harvard Divinity School. 2017. https://rlp.hds.harvard.edu/islam. 16 Oct. 2017.