Welcome to Cabarrus County Schools!
Thank you for keeping us in mind!
Thank you for keeping us in mind!
Angie McClain | Teacher Recruitment and Growth Specialist
angie.mcclain@cabarrus.k12.nc.us | 704-260-5744
Leslie Griffin | Human Resources Specialist
leslie.griffin@cabarrus.k12.nc.us | 704-260-5741
Christie Caputo I Teacher Leadership Specialist
christie.caputo@cabarrus.k12.nc.us I 704-260-5740
Michael Petersen | Human Resources Coordinator
Our Open Positions
The Cabarrus County Schools Profile
What makes Cabarrus County Schools special?
In the words of our outstanding educators...
Ashtyn Berry
CCS Teacher of the Year
Southwest Region TOY
UNC Charlotte Graduate
CCS Teacher of the Year
Southwest Region TOY
UNC Charlotte Graduate
W.R. Odell Elementary School
Leanne Havely
Curriculum Coordinator
Clairon University Graduate
UNC Charlotte Graduate
Arizona State Student
Curriculum Coordinator
Clairon University Graduate
UNC Charlotte Graduate
Arizona State Student
Curriculum and Instruction
David James
Social Studies Teacher
Ohio University Graduate
Social Studies Teacher
Ohio University Graduate
H.E. Winkler Middle School
Benefits to Cabarrus County Schools Employees
North Carolina State Salary Schedule
Cabarrus County Schools provides a 13% supplement on the base state scale. This is the highest in the region for districts our size.
Comprehensive Benefits Package
Cabarrus County offers a full benefits package to eligible employees.
Kids:Plus Before and After School Care
Cabarrus County Schools employees are eligible for significantly discounted rates for before and after school care.
A Great Place to Live
Dr. John Kopicki
I want to thank each of you for considering Cabarrus County Schools. I also want to say how grateful I am for our educators who are committed to our students’ success and for our students who continue to be committed to their learning even in these most challenging circumstances. I also am grateful for the collaborative and supportive relationships we have with elected, business, civic and community members. These relationships benefit our students and schools in a myriad of ways.
Dr. Michael Williams, NBCT
Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Human Resources Officer
Thank you for your interest in Cabarrus County Schools. I am a career CCS'er: I started as a teacher at J.N. Fries Middle School in 1999, joined the faculty at C.C. Griffin Middle when it opened, then taught and coached basketball at Concord High School. In 2012, I became the district's Instructional Specialist for Secondary Schools, and in 2014, I moved to H.E. Winkler Middle School as the principal, where I served until November 2021. I'm so proud of the influence the folks in the district have had on me, and the ways I've been able to impact our district. It's just a wonderful place to work where teachers are empowered and valued. Please don't hesitate to reach out if I can answer any questions. My email is michael.williams@cabarrus.k12.nc.us and my cell is 704-794-5116.