2.4 Teacher Collaboration

Our teachers meet as a content area each week (PLC) and regularly use this time to plan lessons and PBLs that align with the standards for a current or upcoming unit. With a shared planning time, teachers use the Understanding by Design (UBD) framework to analyze NCSCOS, outline specific learning goals, and create lessons that closely align with standards-based common assessments. Following the UBD framework also ensures PBLs are closely aligned to the state standards. 

Teachers have an opportunity to collaborate on formative assessments included throughout the lessons to ensure students are proficient in the content standard addressed and meeting the established learning outcomes. During PLC meetings, teachers also analyze assessment data to determine the success of our previous lessons. Then teachers will plan strategies to reteach to students who have not shown mastery and enrichment opportunities for students who have demonstrated mastery of the standards. 

In addition to planning with content teachers, teachers meet as a grade level group each month to plan upcoming cross-curricular PBLs, provide feedback, and make suggestions for implementation. Common planning time allows teachers to share ideas for the meaningful incorporation of technology in PBLs and other lessons. Having these protected planning sessions allows teachers to work together in creating cross-curricular lessons that are relevant and engaging for students. The administrative team supports the flexibility needed in scheduling classes and spaces for the successful implementation of cross-curricular PBLs.  

The STEM committee coordinates bi-annual, school-wide STEM challenges such as 8th graders building boats that float in a pool, 7th graders creating bottle rockets, and 6th grade creating aqueducts. The STEM committee also designs quarterly challenges; examples include the spirit stick redesign competition and marble run/story challenge. 

NCMS PLC expectations (including STEM)

Copy of NCMS PLC Expectations (August 18)
Copy of 22 - 23 NCMS PLC Meeting Calendar

PLC minutes across NCMS STEM

22 - 23 8th grade ELA PLC Meeting Minutes
Health/PE PLC Meeting Minutes
7th Grade Math PLC Meeting Minutes
Copy of 6th Grade ELA PLC Meeting Minutes