
You will create your bibliography using your Noodletools account (Applewild Google ID).

1. Create a new project. Naming Convention: 7GeoLastname (7GeoWong would be Mrs. Wong's)

2. Share your project with the Project Inbox (7Geo DD20)

3. Cite all of the sources you used for information, images, videos or maps.

4. When you are finished, you will export your bibliography to a Google Doc which you add to your website.


  • Country Reports is a "Database" and "Original Content in Database." You only need to cite Country Reports once - you do not need to cite every article.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica from the school website is also a "Database" and then "Reference Source"
  • Any nonfiction books about your country, are "Print or in Hand" and "Book"
  • Most of the government websites have "page last updated" information at the bottom of the article.
  • Most of the government articles will not have individual authors. That is fine - just be sure to include the department responsible (i.e. Central Intelligence Agency or State Department of the United States) in your citation.
Apr 2, 2019 10:54 AM.webm

Create & Share Project

Apr 2, 2019 1:01 PM.webm

Exporting a Bibliography

Apr 22, 2019 8:45 AM.webm

Add Bibliography to website

Requirements & Reminders



  • Bibliography includes at least three sources.

Images/ Videos

  • All images, videos or other media must be cited.


  • Bibliography created using Noodletools

Citing Images:

  • When citing your images, make sure you get the URL (link) from the actual website - and not the Google Search page.
  • Most Youtube videos are "Website" and "Video Clip"