Upload Compliance Documents

Vendor Portal Document Management (NEW)

The new Vendor Portal Document Management feature allows you to effortlessly upload compliance documents and get portal alerts before the documents expire! 

Types of documents you can upload to your portal:

Checking for Expired Documents:

If the document has an expiration date that is one month away or sooner, you will see an alert in the Vendor Portal, prompting you to upload a new document 

You can also view the status of the document expiration dates by navigating to the top right corner of your Account Name > Account Settings > scroll down to Expiration Dates:  

Uploading a Document:

On the settings page > Expiration Date section, select the 'Upload Document' button:

Begin by selecting your Property Management Client and Document Type. Then, simply drag & drop or upload the PDF document. Remember to click 'Submit Document' to finish the upload process.