Wellness Warrior Breakout Sessions

Session 1: 10:40-11:30 | Session 2: 12:00-12:50

CLick Here for a copy of the Breakout Sessions Recording Sheet

Identifying Mental Illness in our Peers and What to Do about it

Davia Plusch of the Rensselaer County Mental Health Department will discuss some signs and symptoms of common mental illnesses along with school and community resources.

Writing Through Your Feelings

In this LIVE, hands-on session with Mrs. Magill and Dr. Rhode from 12:00-12:50 PM, they will discuss how to use writing to cope with stress. After completing a short writing activity, students will be provided with a link to a LIVE Google Meet at 12:15 PM to discuss what they wrote.

Fun with Functional Fitness

Get a taste of CrossFit with Mr. A. Session attendees will learn about some of the benefits of exercise, how to get a sweat without any equipment, and even participate in a workout. Participants should dress in "workout clothes" and be prepared to move!


In this LIVE, hands-on class, we will be learning the basics of bucket drumming. Find yourself something to drum on... bucket, pail, empty paint can, garbage can, pots or pans, even a desk or table! Get yourself some drumsticks...actual drumsticks, pencils, dowels, paint stirring sticks, or just your hands! Tune in for some play-along fun on Google Meet!

Get Fit 50

Coach Brooks and Coach Luskin of APHS will introduce attendees through an AP Physical Education fitness challenge at 25 or 50 repetitions. Get ready for push-ups, sit-ups, air squats, and more! Then students will complete the challenge, email their times and scores to their PE teacher, and enter it in their PE journal.


Warren Zeiser of WeRise Consulting will discuss the importance of maintaining a strong and healthy mindset despite COVID or any other challenges life is bound to throw at you.

Ask the Nurse

LIVE from 10:40-11:30!

During this LIVE session, Ms. Juliano will be available to answer your general health questions, questions about Covid or questions about being a nurse! What do you want to ask the nurse?

Coping with Loss During COVID

During the past ten months, all of us have had to deal with a loss of some kind. No matter what the losses are there are healthy coping strategies that we can maintain in order to keep ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally well. Explore these strategies with Matt Kearney of The Community Hospice.

A's Aren't Everything: Perfectionism vs. Healthy Striving

Striving for perfect grades can promote an "all or nothing" mindset where "A's" are good and everything else is bad. This mindset can become overwhelming and invite feelings of sadness and anxiety that can undermine personal and academic success. Healthy striving is an intentional way to achieve realistic goals in ways that challenge you to grow and succeed in a healthy, compassionate, and sustainable way.

How to Build Your Wellness Backpack

Our mental health is an important part of our overall health and much more than the presence or absence of an illness. Cohen Miles-Rath of MHANYS School Mental Health Resource and Training Center teaches participants how to recognize when we need to focus on stress relief and self-care, and build healthy habits to support wellness every day.

To access this session you will need to use the password Wellness4ever!

Unlock Your Brain's SUperpowers

Mr. Reddy of APHS will explain why the teenage brain is an amazing thing. The 'magic pill' to unlocking the brain's potential is sleep. This presentation will discuss the benefits of sleep and what happens when young adults prioritize sleep: they become superhuman!

Yoga & Mindfulness

Kateri Rhatigan of Higher Place Yoga will guide students through a little history of the philosophy of yoga. We will then learn and practice some breathing techniques to calm the body and mind. Next, we will move through a number of poses to awaken, strengthen, and stretch the body. The presentation will end with a relaxing guided visualization leaving the students feeling centered and empowered.


Picasso once said, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” and it is no surprise that many people use art as a means to deal with stress, trauma, and unhappiness - or to find greater peace and meaning in their lives. This session with Mr. McMurray will explore different creative endeavors that help an individual hold positive space for the totality of the human experience.

The Importance of Activity for Mental Health

Mrs. Slyer will discuss the benefits of staying active and the role it plays in mental health. In this time of computer-based learning, it is more important than ever to get up and get moving! Then Mrs. Stern of APHS will take you through an exploration of a very important topic: mindfulness. The session will include meditation, breathing techniques, yoga, and more.

Stress Busting Yoga Class

Join Ms. Favro of APHS for a yoga practice designed to help relieve stress, counter the effects of excessive sitting, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-care. Yoga and meditation are known to help facilitate change in our perceptions of stress and provide ways to cope- let's stop numbing out and tune in to what is possible this year.

Healing In a Diverse World Through the Lens of Your Own Experience

LIVE from 12:00-12:50!

Join Kathleen McLean of McLean Consulting Group during her LIVE session. Participants will have space to check in with their feelings learning healthy ways to manage stress, and anxiety. The workshop will incorporate conversations around differences, equity, and inclusion. Participants will acquire new tools to navigate conversations in a healthy manner.

Mindfulness in the Classroom


Join Jillian Gentle and Brandon Russ of Spirit Tree Connections as they illustrate how our nervous system affects our feelings and emotions. The session will also demonstrate ways to self-regulate through activities such as tapping, breathing, and meditation. Students will leave feeling renewed and refreshed and have the tools to center themselves when faced with negative feelings or emotions.


Mental Health


Join Jen Maley-Wheeler of the Capital Region Pride Center as she discusses important ideas related to the mental health of the LGBTQ+ community.